Dec 07, 2011 02:13
1. Parts of my life appear to have been written by a fanfic author. I'm content with this, I just find it howlingly ridiculous and when next someone complains about romcoms being unrealistic because "normal people would just talk to each other" I will tell them to get fucked OH MY GOD HAVE YOU MET PEOPLE? WE'RE TERRIBLE. AT. COMMUNICATING. People will tell the most retarded elaborate lies rather than the mildly awkward truth, these stories come from somewhere, yo. (And if we're going to moan about inaccuracy in romcoms, how come everyone in them is always rich but never seems to do any fucking work?)
2. Quite enjoying current commission: Art Deco is not an area I've explored much before but is relevant to future project as well and looks swag.
3. Have managed, in between becoming a living fanfic cliche, freezing to death, and making vector art of white, to vomit out about 1,500 on the first bit of my YT, which I have finally got a clue about. I had to drag myself to the library in order to make this happen but whatever, the fresh air and exercise are good for me (well I'm not so sure about that since they seem to make me cough up a lot of goo and the only way to make it STOP is to ... smoke? huh.)
4. Completely failed to give Holly her jewellery when she was here so Holly, it is in the post, I am a spesh.
5. There is no five.
6. Getting into and out of the epic many layered cocoon that is now my bed is becoming a herculean feat and thus I am irked by the existence of my bladder. It's probably a good idea I don't know how to/have the equipment to give myself a bag because right now I would far rather pee down a tube than get up.
7. Apparently one of the twitter trending topics is "#ThingBlackPeopleSayInArguments". I think my life was immeasurably improved by not knowing what the fucking trending topics were on Twitter.
8. me: currently i am wrapped in a blanket and drinking girly booze in bed so not sure how i am terrifying
9. oh i was entertaining jess with el alacran/john lancaster meet cute this morning, and i discovered that uh, giant scorpions are really fucking bad at romance
epic fail,