Post-NaNo: this chapter written to the accompaniment of an incessantly screaming child
Chapter 26password: "giantbugorama"
Today's Total: 4,693
Total Overall: 126,242
Proportion Completed: 31/32
Length of time a baby in the library screamed for while I was writing this: The entire four hours.
Brain just kept on exploding with plans for A Future Project most of the way home, which is great, except the future project in question isn't my Yuletide fic and I really do need to get that out of the way first.
Further notes of interest:
I have not been on messengers because Digsby etc take up quite a lot of room, and I've been mainly using the netbook. I would use the bigger laptop, but the harddrive is currently knackered, and until I get a new one I'm not going to be on messengers. It's okay, though, you could like ... comment. Or say hello via other mediums.
Anyone who does get into a conversation with me may wish to be prepared for a fuckvalanche of shouting about pulp fiction plotlines and not a great deal of sympathy or "listening".