(no subject)

Nov 27, 2011 15:56

12:38pm Outfit given once-over and look of approval by handsome man in very nice and very clearly expensive full-length navy great-coat of good quality wool and shiny as fuck buttons + Movember Tache. Should not be as smug about getting props from a hipster as I am, but fuck it, it is a good outfit and he is right to approve of me.


Day 27, Chapter 22
password: giantbugorama

Today's Total: 3,024
Overall total: 109,840
Proportion completed: 27/31 or 32.

Reviews on previous chapter amount to "I hate you", "You made me cry", and "I hate you", which is exhilarating. This chapter is largely summed up as "you are a terrible parent" and "you are also a bad person".

Having finished writing for today a full fucking TWELVE HOURS earlier than I did yesterday WELL DONE ME, I hung about in the library for a bit and flicked through the first few pages of Tickling the English because it had been sitting next to me on the shelf and taunting me while I wrote, which somehow led to writing a list of things which are standing between you and being a published author:

1. You haven't started writing. It's all very well thinking about how great that story would totally be and how much would love to be fawned over and interviewed, but you do have to actually write. This is largely what NaNoWriMo is for: making people start writing.
2. You haven't finished it. Yes, well done, you have 90 first chapters and one half-finished novel you've been poking at with a stick for upward of five years. So do I. The problem is that that's not a publishable work until you're already famous and have just died.
3. You haven't edited your manuscript. Oh god it's the most awful thing in the world, it is even more awful than actually writing it in the first place, but writing "the end" doesn't mean you've finished by a long chalk. You now have to go back and, in all probability, rip it to pieces and glue the pieces back together again and then do it again. No one gets it right first time. Some have to do more than others, but everyone has to edit.
4. Oh god self-promotion. This is the part that I fall down on, so I have no idea how to get anyone else around it. All the "THIS WILL BE THE GREATEST BOOK EVER" dissolves into "FUCK THIS IS TERRIBLE" round about the time I have to try to sell it to someone.

i'll have you know i'm a bloody writer, aww look she thinks she's clever, high-handed preachy bullshit, nano, links, writing, lists, man fucks giant scorpion

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