
Oct 31, 2011 08:59

Fuck fuck fuck fuck that starts tomorrow argh fuck.


Er, I would say "hands up who is doing it" but as this is usually accompanied by a request for people's NaNo names (mine is very originally Derek Des Anges or derekdesanges or something) and as I don't have time to do anything besides work and write this month (at least until the work contract runs out, and I have no idea when that's going to be) I'm probably not going to be doing a great deal of hanging around on the NaNo forums discussing my progress. If that happens it will be happening here, probably surrounded by compound swearwords, endless word count updates, and bad temper. As Lindsay was telling basically everyone yesterday, he does tend to bear the brunt of this.

Uh, words of encouragement! Do not be intimidated by people who have written ten billion words by the end of the first day. Concentrate on writing your own awesome-ass probably quite mad story. Don't think about editing. Actually don't even think too much about what you're writing. Words are cheap. They really are. It's not like you have to pay for each one you spend, and it doesn't matter if you get the wrong ones in the first draft. You can fill up bits with "blah blah blah fight scene probably goes here doo doo doo I hate writing action scenes" and come back to them in a second draft or later or whatever. Words are not concrete, you can always replace them, you can replace scenes, you can philsopher's fucking axe the whole thing, just describe what you have in mind and worry about getting it "right" later.

Er. OBVIOUSLY I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I'M DOING EITHER. I just like giving shouty incoherent pep-talks to counter the hippy bullshit people have a tendency to pull about stuff like this. Write, you dappy maggot cunts! Wriiiiiiiite. Write. And, y'know. Have fun?

aww look she thinks she's clever, high-handed preachy bullshit, nano, writing, go you big red fire engine!

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