So bored at work. So bored. Ended up with three of us on TVTropes, the only timekiller powerful enough to combat THERE IS NOTHING TO DO IN THE OFFICE.
Also I wrote poems:
actually not any sort of apology objection without conscience get on with it london My MOTHER called, which was odd. My first thought was obviously "oh dear my grandparent/s must have kicked the bucket", but no, she just wants to talk. Despite me having made it patently clear that I have no earthly desire to have any sort of contact with her again. However, once I'd established that a) no one had died and b) no one had shat a child either - although I am less concerned with that since I'll be buggered if anyone is going to make me care that my close genes are being strewn about the world in new packages - I hung up. No dice, crazy lady.
1. What’s a question you’re afraid to ask? To whom?
"Is this still working?"
2. What’s something you hide about your personality?
The fact that I am quite squishy and easily damaged under the rhino hide.
3. What’s something other people think about you that you don’t agree with?
4. How do you deal with criticism?
Depends. If I think there's a grain of truth in it and it regards the things I make I sulk a bit and then try to take it on board. If I think there's a grain of truth in it and it regards the way I behave I just shout WHAT DID YOU EXPECT and storm off; if it's groundless I just ignore it.
5. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?
I don't know about sweet, but
redshira once took me to have a baby scraped out and it was a pretty cool thing to do. Lindsay sometimes leaves me weird notes for when I wake up and draws giraffes on our pizza boxes or sends me pictures of pigs. Uh. I don't know that I'm qualified to determine "sweet".
6. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?
I don't like questions like this.
7. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?
OH OH OH OH OH OH I would really really really like it if someone threw me a party where the bathtub was full of multicoloured sparkly vodka jelly and you could go and scoop it out with mugs.
8. Describe your favourite texture.
Cat tongue. Cat tongue is exactly the best texture in the world.
9. Trigger warning: Which national or global tragedy were you closest to and how did it affect you?
Uh, I suppose the 7/7 bombings since they basically occurred on my route to work about 20 minutes after I got to work and all that, although hilariously I was totally unaware of that until about 11am when I got my phone and discovered ten million very worried text messages from everyone who had my number. In the manner of basically everyone I just ... sat on metaquotes making poor-taste jokes about it, making fun of hysterical Americans, and then had a very uncomfortable bus journey home. It ... honestly I think the riots penetrated more into my consciousness and then only because I was keeping an ear out to make sure nothing came down our actual street.
10. Post a photo/draw a picture/write a poem (pick one) of a moment of personal significance.
This is a problem because basically as soon as moments are past I tend to consign them to the dustbin of irrevelance, unless they make good anecdotes. Basically, I tell stories because they sound good, not because they matter enormously to me. Which makes moments of great significance difficult to identify. Like, for example, leaving home should have had enormous significance but actually it was boring and stressful and ended in me crying into a bad chinese take away alone in Halls.
11. Which fictional character would you most like to have lunch with and why?
Whichever fictional character is noted for generosity and good taste in restaurants, and for being a great conversationalist. My head is full of goo and I cannot recall anyone straight away. I might just go somewhere with Ralph Lanyon and gaze at him adoringly.
12. Who would you say is your “anti” role model? Someone who serves as a warning rather than an inspiration?
13. What’s your least “politically correct” opinion?
However important any social issue is it is still not as important as whether or not I've eaten.
14. What kind of underwear do you imagine Sherlock Holmes wears?
Book Holmes: Longjohns.
Brett Holmes: I imagine he just wears an undershirt
Sherlock: Something black and practical and sleek.
15. What’s one of the most difficult things you’ve ever had to do?
In practical terms, pretty much any time I moved house on my own was what I would like to call a MOTHERFUCKING NIGHTMARE, although hauling myself back up to the top of a cliff from half-way down when 16 was pretty difficult what with being hysterical and having no upper body strength whatsoever.
Emotionally: go through entire day not sure if man-boy I was in love with was dead or not due to suicide attempt the night before and his parents not bothering to tell me on account of hating me.
16. If you were an element on the Periodic Table, which would you be and why?
Sodium: reactive and poisonous but paired with equally toxic shit I become enormously tasty.
17. What’s the most infuriating thing your parents (or caregiver) do?
IDK my mother and father both have this enormously irritating habit of rewriting the past to suit their current agenda, and of assuming they have a better idea of who I am and what I want than I do, despite having been out of regular contact for, in my mother's case, getting on for seven years and in my father's case my entire life.
18. Which Disney Princess do you most identify with and why? Which is your favourite and why? And yes- ANYONE can answer this question.
Ursula counts as a Princess right.
19. You’re an Action Movie Hero. What’s your weapon of choice and the line you scream when defeating your arch enemy?
Weapon of choice: either a sledgehammer or a baseball bat, probably a sledgehammer.
20. What’s the silliest fan theory you’ve ever come up with?
no no no no no no I avoid all these like the fucking plague
21. What did you think about before you fell asleep last night?
I believe I was daydreaming about holidaying in Hay on Wye and buying ALL THE BOOKS.
22. What’s the oddest term of endearment you’ve ever used or that someone’s used for you?
Oh boy. Right. Well. Lem & I used to call each other Lovemonkey. Terms used between self and friends usually involve gross anatomy and daft noises, Nas & Seize used to call me Paedokitty. I have acquired an odd selection of gentlemen's names as terms of endearment including: Adrian, Stephen, Zachary, Eddy, & of course Derek/les. "Disorderly". Have just been addressed as Tits McCunttery this very evening.
23. What motivates you in life?
Absolutely fucking nothing/occasional burning desire for people to pay attention to me.
24. What was something you used to enjoy, but was ruined for you? What’s the story behind that?
Lots of things. Usually they're either ruined by stopping being friends with someone, or realising that I was only into them because of said friend and now don't care any more. I try not to let exes destroy things I love, but there are a couple of bands I definitely do not ever want to hear from again.
25. How do you think you will fare when the Zombie Apocalypse arrives?
Poorly. I am fat and lazy and dislike running. I would probably cut my own throat or something.
26. Which mythological creature are you most like? Why? And if you could be any mythological creature, which would you want to be? Why?
Whichever one of Scylla and Charibdys was the maelstrom. A maelstrom is definitely me. Or possibly a gorgon. Largely because I am pig-ugly and very bad-tempered. If I could choose any mythological creature to be I suspect I would be a kraken, because the kraken sleeps, and also it gets to hang out with other, smaller squid, which sounds rad, and it is the motherfucking kraken. I'd have such enormous tentacles.
27. Write a brief story about an actual adventure you’ve had.
Once upon a time I went to Paris with a friend and we went to Piere La Chaise cemetery to visit Oscar's tomb only because we're both idiots we got in there and completely failed to locate it. We had to trudge half-way across this massive convoluted graveyard to find another map, which we then photographed as we should have in the first place, and found the tomb. Friend was big into Greek hero cultism at the time, so we left a blood sacrifice and some wine and made friends with a cat that was knocking around before wandering off, swigging the wine. We were sitting on a bench feeling a bit emotional when a cemetery guard came up to bollock us, but decided we couldn't speak French - my friend actually could, but was too affronted and emo to do so - and called over a much less angry colleague to translate, so experienced the spectacle of a very angry French cemetery guard snarling threats about the police which were rendered slightly less threatening by the sighing indifference of his intermediary. We put the wine away and left the cemetery, cursing his family unto the fifth generation, and then went and got righteously pissed.
28. Describe one of the most awkward experiences of your life.
No, because the one I'm thinking of is genuinely unfit for public consumption and the others involve public nudity.
29. What’s something that scares you about the future?
Pick one of: Global economic collapse, peak oil, tidal waves, homelessness, another ice age, becoming even further crippled by pain, encroaching insanity. Basically everything about the future scares me which is why I have been dutifully avoiding thinking about it for MOST OF MY LIFE.
30. List 5 quirky things about yourself.
I don't have quirks, I am not a daytime sitcom.
31. Describe your dream library.
32. What’s the weirdest item you’ve ever mourned?
I seem to recall being really upset about breaking a china dog - a really UGLY china dog, called Gary - when I was a child, but I have tried hard to not get attached to objects as an adult.
33. If you could design an amusement park ride, what would it be like?
Don't need to someone has already designed the Euthanasia Coaster and I WANT IT TO BE REALITY SO BADLY.
34. Do you have any “rules” about food?
Yes. You do not take mine without asking. If you try to take mine without asking I will stab you with a fork. Do not touch my food. Do not touch my fucking food. Beyond that: I tend to eat food in a specific order and one type at a time, because LAWL AUTISM.
35. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships?
My opinion on any and all relationships is that if it works and makes you both happier than not being together does I don't give a fuck what's going on. You could be a five-hundred-year-old tortoise and a six-year-old girl having crazy fursuit sex if it keeps you both smiling.
36. What’s something you want to do that you’d be embarrassed to tell other people about?
Insert entire roster of sexual fantasies here. Other than that, I don't find anything I want to do particularly embarrassing as I have owned my wildlife nerdery since I was very small. Fuck yeah I want to go to Lake Baikal and look at seals; fuck yeah I would be wildly excited by fossilised dino shit. You can't shame me, man. OOH. Also I want to dissect a person.
37. Describe a time/event in your life that you’re nostalgic for.
I don't. There is no point to nostalgia. It just makes me angry and acutely miserable. Time doesn't run backward.
38. How do you approach social situations?
With trepidition and often alcohol and/or cocaine depending on whether I have any. Sometimes warpaint and battle dress help, and making sure I have a book and some headphones so that I cannot be socialised at against my will.
39. What is your ideal bed? Why?
It should probably have posts for handcuffs.
40. Post a short excerpt from a fanfiction based on your life.
"I feel sure I was going to DO something this evening," said Delilah, for the millionth time in her life, while lying naked crossways on her unmade bed, the laptop balanced on her prodigious belly. "And I should put some socks on, my feet are cold." But she knew she would remain sprawled uncomfortably supine until she'd run out of meme questions to answer and needed to pee.
Day 1 - What would you like to do in the future?
Continue to have a home and a country that is not actively on fire.
Day 2 - What would you do if you were rich?
Bully the government into passing some laws that actually benefit anyone but them.
Day 3 - What would you do if you were poor?
Freak the fuck out thanks to previous experience of poverty. Also go mental about food.
Day 4 - What would you do if you were the principal of your school?
Probably exactly the same as my principal did, minus the "getting the kids to put on plays", so I'd basically siphon off large amounts of money to pay for my expensive car and frequent trips to see West End musicals and ballets, and lock myself in my amazing turret room the rest of the time.
Day 5 - What would you do if you could suddenly speak another language?
Be fucking overjoyed. I've never been able to get the hang of anything else. I think I would immediately start translating a load of my own writing for shits and giggles, and probably try to hunt down a load of books in that language so that I could read them without needing to go through a translator.
Day 6 - What would you do if you won a lottery?
Well what's the prize?
Day 7 - What would you do if you were told you had one month to live?
Ignore it.
Day 8 - What would you do if you lost your passport?
FREAK THE FUCK OUT and then order a replacement.
Day 9 - What would you do if you were kidnapped?
I would probably Stockholm before they could even get me to the end of my road.
Day 10 - What would you choose to have written on your gravestone when you die?
Humorously pedant answer is that I am firmly against having any sort of marker of my passing etc so I would not have anything written on there. Failing that I want the lyrics to "He Came With The Frame" or any other inane dance nonsense.