Have just watched Four Weddings and A Funeral and wailed all the way through the funeral as per. Then watched The Eagle with
Liza G: this was a terrible movie
Liza G: i'm glad we watched it
Before the cut I will say two things: 1. I had no idea I was actually capable of patriotism so being overly pleased every time some Roman got humiliated was a bit of a shock and 2. surprised to find that the landscape, which despite being at the other end of the landmass to where I grew resembles it closely, made me feel weirdly homesick. Given my usual feelings toward "home" this dissonance has played out in the usual manner, i.e. I feel physically nauseous. \o/ yay feelings.
The first 40 or so minutes of this movie are BORING AS SHIT. I perked up in a few places: war chariots, the arrival of Jamie Bell, manly holding, surgery. Channing whathisface has the most appalling face. Like, until later when he's delusional with pain and pale from the highlands and bleeding heavily and basically looks proper fucked up, I find his face actively objectionable (later on, there are enough factors to outweight the objectionableness of his big stupid face, because I am nothing if not a slave to my fetishes).
Also he just completely fails to act for ages.
So yes, prior to Hadrian's wall everything is awful. Esca I love. Everything he does, says, the way he moves, his deceptions, his violence, his boldness, his face. Love love love. The head young warrior of the seal dudes would CATCH IT. Mark Strong cameo, always good. Took me a while to realise it was him due to epic beardage. There were some fucking stellar beards in this film. Also dogs. Also did I mention Esca?
Also they very clearly end up very married. Also Esca totally tops. TOTALLY. TOPS.
But yeah. Dear god was that a bad film.
This is the most accurate summary of that film that has ever existed.