Brain weird, body possibly having a massive tantrum, quality of LJ pots deteriorating. In an attempt to keep everything in line, a general update of the last week:
On Monday and Tuesday I stayed inside and attempt to recover my sanity after a rather social preceeding week. Plus side: I made jewellery, wrote some things, and made a sensible decision concerning my known limits when it comes to leaving the house and being around people; ie, take a break before a break takes you or something pithier and more intelligent.
On Wednesday I went for lunch with
oscarhocklee which amounted primarily to me trying to eat an entire menu due to being too hungry to make good decisions, and the two of us enthusing/ranting at each oher very very fast between eating on a number of topics. This is precisely the kind of lunch I enjoy, and I am indebtted to Ccooke for reminding me why I should actually attempt to dine in the presence of other people instead of hiding in a toilet cubicle eating crisps. I then blundered off to That There Bead Shoppe via the time honoured method of "having an alarmingly good sense of direction", loud music, and walking like my parents were a snow plough and a tank. The trick is to not stop, only dodge. Bought an obscene quantity of supplies which cannot in any way be justified given that I haven't sold an item of jewellery in a month.
And then I went to see a Saturday play being recorded at the Radio Theatre with
ihavecake, and approximately every Penny Dreadfuls fan in the universe. The play itself was set in Revolutionary France, as it's to be broadcast just before Bastille Day, and was ... very Radio 4, I think is the best way to put it. If you don't understand the cultural reference, enjoy fucking off! Particularly if you're American and think I must be lying when I tell you I have no idea who or what a Kathy Lee Gifford is. Richard E Grant was in it. I have critical words about the actual play but they feed into a bigger critical word about society in general so it would be unfair to focus purely on a little bit of historical comedy.
So anyway. Things. I definitely did something on Thursday.
And yesterday I spent the morning in college idly pissing about with tape (the results of which I have waved under people's noses repeatedly in the expectation of receiving fullsome praise, because yesterday I was slightly off my rocker), followed by having an angry argument with some electronic components. As ever I have contrived to screw something up so thoroughly that no one can work out why it isn't working. Magnificent!
shit that needs doing
+ either prod current american-picker or find another new one
+ more jewellery uploads (don't wanna don't see the poiiiiiint but can't have all this crap lying around my house either)
+ write back to my grandparents & tell them when we shall meet and hope like hell that they have no intention of springing my mother on me again
+ print out work & staple that shit together
+ transfer enormous pile of clothes on floor to actual shelves whoops
+ email the bbc re: microphone models
+ email popshot re: guideline clarifications
shit i am reading
this excellent fic, a Sherlock Holmes/War of the Worlds crossover by
the_funmonkey. I'll be honest, Emma is on my very very very very short list of "writers I will read without question" and if anyone else had written this I would probably just not bother on the grounds that I have no guarantee of quality. However! This is a FUNMONKEY FIC and is already living up to the potential inherent in authorship; exciting, breathless and Victorian at once, with action-hero Watson narrating. Genius. Absolute genius, RUN DON'T WALK, etc.
The Manor House, although part of me is tempted to pretend not to read it in order to see how grumpy I can make
fahye. >:D [okay no that would be a dick move]
+ Jess's HCL fic, which I am apparently betaing again.
+ A Fire In The Sun, which is proving as usual to be exciting and mysterious and exotic and all those other words. Rock on, George Alec Effinger.
+ college on monday to fix my circuit and take measurements
+ theatre on tuesday to see much ado about nothing with an unspecified number of people including ruthi
+ college again on wednesday to hand in the last of work.
... that's enough update from me, I think. Still feeling a bit weird/paranoid/squashed.