1. (Matthew) Eames [Inception].
2. Miss Celeste Temple [Glass Books of the Dream Eaters]
3. Geoffrey Chaucer [A Knight's Tale]
4. Johnny Quid [RocknRolla]
5. Atia of the Julii [Rome]
6. Sherlock Holmes [Sherlock Holmes, 2009]
7. Amy Pond [Dr Who]
8. BratPrince!Mat Devine [Bandom]
9. Puddleglum the Marshwiggle [The Silver Chair]
10. Laurie Odell [The Charioteer]
11. Agnes Nitt [Discworld]
12. Bernard Black [Black Books]
13. Robin Ince [Britcom RPF]
14. Ray Person [Generation Kill]
15. Omar Little [The Wire]
faeries_bite asked:
If [Geoffrey Chaucer] was somehow made to spend time with a fantastically inebriated [Bernard Black], what would happen?
A certain amount of horror on Geoffrey's part and possibly the extraction of a legally-binding promise to sell his books from Bernard; "fantastically inebriated" does seem to be Bernard's basic state and Geoff has doubtless sense worse, so there wouldn't be as much friction as you'd expect.
On a purely shallow front: I want to see Paul Bettany and Dylan Moran doing sex. I just think it'd look good.
openatticnight asked:
[Amy Pond] is in Inception-verse. what is their totem?
A model roman soldier that is a lot heavier than it looks.
[Johnny Quid] and [Puddleglum] want to start a family. how many kids and/or pets do they have/adopt/steal, and what are they like?
O_O The idea of these two epically non-paternal beasts starting a family is amazing, never mind starting one TOGETHER. I can just about picture Johnny with a pot plant.
Actually, thinking about it, I imagine they could both be prevailed upon to foster a difficult teenager; Johnny through a certain sentimental desire to stop someone else turning into him (or as part of a Nefarious Plan), Puddleglum because at root he would probably be happier having his negative assumptions proven right than trying to be a smiling false face for the world. So yeah, I can maybe see them giving a home to a runaway teenage drug addict or similar.
[Laurie Odell] starts a fight with [Miss Celeste Temple]. why? who wins?
Good heavens that is highly unlikely, Laurie is very careful not to antagonise anyone, especially women! And especially Celeste who is after all now the kind of woman who is armed at all times. I think the straightforward answer is probably that any fight he starts with her would be by accident, and that Celeste would almost certainly win due to a combination of aforementioned being armed at all times and Laurie's intense dislike of ever striking a woman.
what does [Eames] order at a restaurant?
Depends on the restaurant and who is paying. Given the variables of someone else's money, a decent restaurant and no need to convey a particular image he'd probably order the largest thing on the menu in the largest amounts because of the tiny part of him that's not really sure where the next meal is coming from.
what is [Robin Ince]'s house like?
I CAN'T ANSWER THIS HE'S A REAL PERSON. Um. I believe it is overwhelmingly full of books in spite of his best intentions, and that it also contains a certain amount of children's paraphenalia for Archie.
what book is on [Omar Little]'s bedside table?
I may be fudging due to not having watched The Wire for some time but I don't think Omar is much of a reader?
how does [BratPrince!Mat Devine] take their tea?
coniferous_you asked:
Can [Eames] rollerblade? Would [Eames] rollerblade?
No sir, he cannot rollerblade. I imagine that, even were his knees not completely wrecked, he would probably not rollerblade on account of finding the business of rollerblading not necessarily the kind of activity he's into.
Let's hear some of [Geoffrey Chaucer]'s poetry, if it exists.
Hyd Absolon, thy gilte tresses clere;
Ester, ley thou thy meknesse al a-doun;
Hyd, Jonathas, al thy frendly manere;
Penalopee, and Marcia Catoun,
Mak of your wyfhod no comparisoun;
Hyde ye your beautes, Isoude and Eleyne;
My lady cometh, that al this may disteyne.
Thy faire body, lat hit nat appere,
Lavyne; and thou, Lucresse of Rome toun,
And Polixene, that boghten love so dere,
And Cleopatre, with al thy passioun,
Hyde ye your trouthe of love and your renoun;
And thou, Tisbe, that hast of love swich peyne;
My lady cometh, that al this may disteyne.
Herro, Dido, Laudomia, alle y-fere,
And Phyllis, hanging for thy Demophoun,
And Canace, espyed by thy chere,
Ysiphile, betraysed with Jasoun,
Maketh of your trouthe neyther boost ne soun;
Nor Ypermistre or Adriane, ye tweyne;
My lady cometh, that al this may distevne.
And keeping with the spirit of the conversation, what would [Laurie Odell] say to being narrowly missed by a tornado?
Something tremendously British like "well, that was a close shave" that in no way lets on how utterly fucking terrifying the entire experience is.
redfiona99 asked:
[Miss Celeste Temple] and [Ray Person] didn't watch Pokemon when they were children. What did they do for entertainment instead?
You know, I'm almost certain that's true, considering their relative ages. Celeste I believe went in for exploring and having spats with any other girls her age in the general vicinity, whereas Ray probably just went on with the traditional Whisky Tango Retard childhood occupations of sister-fucking and roadkill-eating. *ahem* IDK, probably shot things.
lin asked:
If [Johnny Quid] were to recommend a book to [Agnes Nitt], which one would it be? Would [Agnes Nitt] read it?
Given his passion for the Clash, I'd say some sort of music biography relating to them; Agnes would almost certainly at least attempt it out of general politeness.
the_funmonkey asked:
Ok, so, [Atia of the Julii] and [Sherlock Holmes] switch bodies - who ruins the other's life first?
I think that with his typical bluntness and tendency to not care so very much about the social repercussions of his actions and his narrow field of interest, Holmes is more likely to ruin Atia's life than Atia - even with her shameless Roman sexuality and distinct likelihood of seducing John Watson the first time she sees him - is likely to ruin Sherlock's, as she has a distinct ability to rebound from social foul-ups when possessed of her own mind.
[Ray Person] is getting a tattoo - what is it of?
Something trashy and ridiculous. For the purposes of this meme I am going to say an eagle in flames.
morebliss asked:
[Eames], [Amy Pond] and [Bernard Black] are on a road trip. Who drives, who picks the music and what do they talk about?
Eames is I think the only person on this list fit to drive a car; for whatever reason I don't see Amy as a driver, and I don't think Bernard has ever learned to drive on account of being Bernard; initially Amy would pick the music with enthusiasm and gusto (Eames is likely to go along with it regardless), but Bernard would end up kicking the car stereo until it broke and complaining about anything that was played at all so they're going to end up driving in silence a lot. Conversations will likely revolve around: a) Eames's anecdotes, b) Amy's anecdotes which are a lot more impressive, c) Bernard throwing a tantrum because he doesn't have any globe or galaxy-trotting anecdotes and d) Bernard complaining of feeling sick quite a lot.
swear_jar asked:
[Sherlock Holmes] and [Bernard Black] try to take over the world, do they succeed?
Difficult, this is like matter and anti-matter. Does Holmes' amazing skill for coming out of things alright sufficientl counteract Bernard's shitemagnet tendencies? I think we should all be grateful that they are both such anti-social addicts that they'd probably just inebriate themselves into a stupor without ever drawing up a single plan.
[Eames] and [Johnny Quid] have sex, is it weird, kinky or massively vanilla?
You know I don't think I need to answer that when you look at who is in those two slots. Fanonically in our personal writings, you have Johnny Quid as an antagonistic sub who is into being slapped around and giving blowjobs; I have Eames, a somewhat chameleonic figure usually presenting as submissive and into being hurt/choked. Sex between them would have to be inevitably kinky or no one's going to get off. And now you've made me want to write it.
[Atia of the Julii] becomes a super heroes, what are their powers and do they use them for good or evil?
Atia's superpower is the ability to survive any situation, like a cockroach but a thousand times more fabulous. She's like Deadpool in that respect only with more social naus. Presumably Atia would use her powers not so much for good or evil as for personal gain/advancement within the world, and assuming her powers extend beyond the lifespan of mere mortals it's possible she'll even start manipulating entire continents out of sheer boredom.