Jan 01, 2011 19:22
1. Can't work on my art because something has gone rotten in the state of tablet drivers and it's not registering pressure changes.
2. Jeskola Buzz continues to be a sack of dicks. IT WILL NOT MAKE ANY SOUND WHATSOEVER. I am getting extremely frustrated with this because the only help I can find anywhere on the internet just says "set the Wave output drivers to blah". I have tried setting the Wave output drivers to EVERY POSSIBLE CONFIGURATION. NONE OF THEM MAKE NOISE COME OUT OF MY COMPUTER. I tried recording from Buzz to a .wav and playing in VLC and no sound then either. I have tried using the ASIO drivers with the Alessi pre-amp. Nothing. I have tried using DirectX Sound driver. Nothing. I tried using Windows Waveform Audio. NOOOOOOOTHING. And I know that the only advice I am likely to get from my friends is going to be "do this thing you've already done WHICH DOES NOTHING". NB: Everything else on my computer is making the normal amount of noise. So don't even fucking try that.
In fact, I'm going to disable comments.
TBH I should probably also lock this fucking post so as to save certain parties having more fuel for bitching about me behind my back, but why bother? They'll find something else to complain about anyway. Strongly considering going back to bed again, especially as boyfriend will insist on watching the worst films imaginable.
benefit the world with suicide,
computer issues,
sounds like a riot,
masochism is not always the answer,