Lindsay got me Mr B's new CD in a grand tradition of "presents for Del which are also for Lindsay", I got him an espresso machine thing for the cooker. Yuletide gave me
Misfits fic and NO COMMENTS AT ALL on the fic I wrote, which will be hilarious to anyone I have whined at about only wanting the Dr Who special and some comments on my fic. \o/ That pretty much settles any feelings I may have had about trying to write more next year. No, fuck it. No more writing. I has a course to pass. Writing is dead now.
I've got a couple of things that came in the post which I'm pretending are presents, which are still to be opened. Lindsay is insisting on watching Scrooge. I LOVE DISAPPOINTMENT.
Liza made a video of herself singing "Bleak Midwinter" for me and she has a fucking incredible voice. :) You should all be so lucky as to have a killer soprano sing requests for you, eh?