Sep 04, 2010 20:49

So I hear Morrissey opened his mouth again. This is never a good thing. He has this awful tendency to spew awful bigoted stupid crap that embarrasses his fans and generally make an arse of himself and make everyone wish he'd just be quiet.

I try to avoid reading anything he says, ever, because I want to continue obsessively loving his music from the 80s. Compartmentalising helps me to continue enjoying someone's work even when their personal views cause me to headdesk and contemplate murder; not reading interviews etc also helps quite a lot. Tom Hardy is very helpfully just talking about acting and himself, and not really venturing an opinion on other stuff (he still manages to be enormously bitchy, though) except films, etc. Much like Bob just going "we did this and then this, and I like THIS kit".

But I feel like I should talk about Caravaggio, who is one of my favourites. I love his paintings. I love them a fuck of a lot. I am piqued that he has apparently never St Sebastian'd, because that would be THE BEST PAINTING EVER. But my point is that Caravaggio was a prick. And I don't mean "he was a prick by modern standards but pretty normal for his time" ("well you can't just excuse people just because it was normal for the time" / "I'm not excusing it, I'm contextualising it; the reason there was no outcry over X was because it was normal" / "that doesn't make it acceptable for you to like it" / "really? But it's beautiful" / "it's misogynist! IF YOU LIKE IT YOU ARE A BAD PERSON" / "AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT YOU HAVE THE AESTHETIC SENSIBILITIES OF A STONE" / "I can't be friends with someone who DOESN'T CARE ABOUT MISOGYNY IN ART" / "I can't be friends with someone who won't stop yelling every five fucking minutes"), I mean he was an outright prick even for his time period and he was a quarrelsome pigheaded trouble-making fuck who behaved like an arsehole.

I still love his art.

Courtney Love, whom I love beyond reason, veers between making strident sense of the kind no one else speaks, and being a MAD PARANOID EX-DRUGGIE with mental problems. She says stuff that makes me embarrassed to admit to still worshipping at her crazyperson feet on about a monthly basis, when people can be bothered listening to her at all. I still love her music (and her clothes).

I just think that it's a mistake to deny yourself something on the basis of who created it. We're not exactly living in an age where every time you listen to a song or read a book you immediately send a tiny "YES I AGREE WITH YOU IN EVERY WAY" and a monetary donation to the cause.

While we're on the subject of compartmentalisation; dear internet, I will be joining the gentlemen for "appraisal of attractive people" style. IE; I'm afraid that along with "are they interested in me" (for real life people) and "do they look like they'd be good in bed" (which often overrides the following factor), the defining factor in whether I find someone attractive is "do they look good? Does their appearance tickle my tastes?" and not, say "are they educated to a level which I approve of?" or "are they ninja?"

I objectify the shit out of people. To read half the blogs on the internet written by women you'd think this was either the worst kind of sin against humanity and that the only way any woman finds any other woman smokin' is in the purely aesthetic or "I love her personality"$ / "she is cute" way rather than the "I WOULD WEAR HER LIKE A NOSEBAG AND HAVE A TRACHETOMY SO I COULD GIVE HER HEAD FOR LONGER" way that um, I see to end up playing host to.

Anyone else? I'm not alone in this, right?

high-handed preachy bullshit, history, maybe you'll learn something, racism not just for middle class girls, puppet theatre horseshit, let me tell you internet, art, worrying aesthetics in my pants, audience participation

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