Title: Saturday Night's All Right For Fighting (So Is Friday)
Fandom: Bandom RPS [
groaty's Thursdayverse AU]
Word Count: 7,000 (ish)
Rating: PG! For violins.
Warnings: Violence, icky icky violence
Disclaimer: In the real world, the world where I unfortunately live, none of this happened. All the people involved are
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Also, as I reread this again, I'm finding even more lines and bits that I love. Have I mentioned lately that I still totally love the fact that Joe is just higher than a kite? Nothing he does comes off as forced, it comes off as pot-logic, and the story hangs on that, and it is AWESOME.
Mikey! He's creepy! Vicky-T is pretty and DEADLY! Travis is wise and also, did I mention, a cop for some reason (I really really really wanna know what the reason IS). And also, there is blood and violence everywhere, and clearly, everyone in the hotel is about ten degrees off plane. And that's HOT.
Beckett approves.
it is possible to write insane bastards without writing creepy creepy inaccurate characterisations
Not only that, it's possible to write sympathetic insane bastards! MY ENTIRE RAISON D'ETRE.
... I said I was getting off that soapbox, didn't I? *shoves it in the corner*
I spent too much time editing A Certain Author. I'm so over rape in stories, it's not even funny, particularly when the author thinks that rape is $edgy. It's NOT EDGY. It was MAYBE edgy in 1982.
But I'll stop ranting about gimmes in fiction as soon as you stow that soapbox somewhere I can't see it.
(Also: *points to icon* What about the non-sympathetic good guys?)
Actually, I think you would be wrong about that. I AM NOT LYING. I mean, it's not as ghastly, but Joseph Smith had a divine revelation (read: was shooting smack in his eyeballs) that HE could have multiple wives. But when his wife said that was fine, that meant she could have multiple husbands, he had ANOTHER divine revelation (smack and Sterno) that polyandry was wrong and bad and eeeeeevil.
So. Now I kind of want to do a critical reading of both TBOM and Twilight and see how they stack up as far as shitty-ass love stories go.
(The first time I find a couple who post those ads in alternative papers looking for a bi girl because the wife is bi-curious and the guy wants to see girls get each other off, I WILL CUNT-PUNT THEM BOTH.)
I tell you, my swearing has gotten so much more interesting since I found the internet.
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