Title: Someone You'd Die For (Ep #1)
Fandom: Dr Who/Torchwood (AU).
Word Count: 5,600
Rating: PG-13 for violence.
Pairing: There kind of are some, and there kind of aren't.
Warnings: Violent. Gory. Character death. Stuff.
Disclaimer: Allll the intellectual property contained within belongs to the BBC, who need to stop kowtowing to the Daily Mail.
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(Also, here's an unpopular fandom opinion of mine: I freakin' hate fic warnings. The blurb on the back of a book doesn't warn me that a character will die, it's a bloody spoiler! I don't want to know in advance! But there would be such an uproar if one dared to skip the warning and lured all those fluffy-wuffy fic-readers into a VILE PIT OF SIN AND GORE. But then again I like a lot of violence in my fiction.)
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Really, the fic warnings I want - which are probably not realistic to ask for - are stuff like:
Massively OOC.
Author's style is irritating.
Author could not write if their life depended on it.
Unsatisfactory ending.
Ridiculously long for no reason.
Author has no concept of actual dialogue.
Author has no concept of human anatomy.
Full-on badfic.
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I felt that this stiff, pulsing prose really penetrated me, though I won't be satisfied until the climax of the story, when I will gush forth with praise.
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