L. 2.0 ┋ Days VI, VII & VIII

Dec 23, 2020 23:57

TIL How you find out if someone touched your cell phone without your knowledge?

TIL Curry was introduced to Japan by the British. The British brought curry from India back to Britain and introduced it to Japan after it ended its policy of self-isolation. Curry in Japan is categorized as a Western dish

I did one quick unf*ck of 20/10 and one 45/15 each on the 6'th and 7'th day.
I will have to postpone my Unf*cking for now though, both my femoral heads are inflamed like hell.

I promised myself that starting tonight until monday I will only do the most necessary stuff like eating and filling the dishwasher/washing machine... and the rest of the time I will be lazing around, reading, day-dreaming, sing out loud to my favourite music, cuddle and pet our kitty... nothing productive. Some self-care is in order. Deep cleaning of the mind and soul.... :D


On a more somber note, I am still in shock about the deaths in the shooting of Saint-Just, France. By a frenchman no less (no, he was not muslim and/or a POC... he was a divorced, hardcore catholic, lawyer with 'military weapons' at home).
To know that the youngest of the 3 dead Gendarmes was barely 21. So young!
I just hope, that they had no young children and that these 3 are now in a better place than this crazy world. 😢


8/26 Done...

rl-health, crime, rl-thoughts, current:covid-19, !til, !ufyh

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