Resources, Bookcover & a UrbanDictionary Meme imported from DA!

Jan 15, 2009 22:33

So I worked for a very good and dear friend, from the other side of the World, 5 days and nights in a row with no sufficient info, but still I managed to create something simple for his upcoming Book. It's not too good a work, but I did it for free and there was no budget, so I had only my own Resources... :/ But I guess it will suffice for the Cover, and if it makes him happy!? ^^;
While working at it I also found out that I have to learn more about Poser and Cinema4D.
That's it for now!

Here are two new Stocks/Resources. Hope you'll be able to use them somehow!
Also... Credit=Love

Tsws 002
by ~PinkPanthress-Stock on deviantART

Tsws 003
by ~PinkPanthress-Stock on deviantART

And here's the UrbanDictionary Meme

Go to and type in your answers to the following questions.
Post the first definition it gives you.
Tag 3 people.

++1.) Your name?


nokta isn't defined yet.

++2.) Your age?


132 up, 42 down love ithate it

750ml of alky
1 mickey + 1 mickey = a 26

++3.) One of your friends?


abbreviation for jack off
"kevin wang is the jo master"
"kevin wang is the grand master jo"

++4.) What should you be doing?


In 3D Computer Graphics, creating an image (usually bitmap/pixel based) from a 3D virtual construction (a model) by calculating the way lights and other factors will affect the model in question.
Take out the area lighting and the scene will render a lot faster.

++5.) Favorite color?


The hue of the portion of the visible spectrum lying between green and indigo, evoked in a human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 420 to 490 nanometers.
The sky is blue.

++6.) Birthplace?


a slang word for "big pimp" or "great and powerful"
that guys got a lot of chicks. He must be a Hamm

(OMFG... that's awesome!)

++7.) Month of your birth?


- what day is it?

- ...october...

(go watch billy madison)

++8.) Last person you talked to


the chains around your ankles until you've managed to a) runaway b) obtain a stable job and stable income c) die d) turn 18.

i'd be getting laid if it weren't for my parents.

++9.) One of your nicknames?


To disagree, but comply. No, but Ok

(usually pronounced "noak", but sometimes said as "No'kay"
Brad: "Hey Terry, wanna help me move the couch?"
Terry: "Nok"

I TAG.: Everyone who reads this and has some time on their hands. PLZ? ^^; (And link me so I can see and have a laugh as well)

quiz & memes, lj, terragen, bookcover, resources:stock

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