I have never been athletic, flexible, or really into working out since I left college. There was a brief stint of a few months when I worked out more than once a month (I think up to 3 times a week). I have rediscovered exercise and yoga. I realized that I hate going to gyms and I have access to all these exercise shows through Comcast On Demand. One afternoon, I decided I had time for a workout and the results I felt both immediately and days following has kept me on track for more and more workouts! My workouts are not always intense. I try to focus on just relaxing since the main reason I work out is to help me with stress. I find that when I work out too hard, I am sore for days and discouraged from continuing it. The key for me is moderate challenge and the workout has to be fun (dance) or relaxing (yoga).
I especially love yoga. I love being conscious of my body, listening to it, feeling the physical world through it. As a student, I realize that I live most of my life in my head. At any given point of the day, I am in some sort of metaphysical mental exercise. I never really stop to pay attention to my physical presence in our physical world. It’s kind of nice to meditate on my body, and the delicate balance that weighs on it of fragility, humanity, and power. It’s a really beautiful thing. It’s something that I have always been somewhat fearful of - my physical limitations. I feel like I have to come a place where I can embrace it like never before.
Further, it just melts away stress like nothing else! When I am consumed with my thoughts 24/7, all my fears, worries, and stress just start to build on themselves and get bigger than life. Yoga takes me a place where all those things get so tiny, they just drift away and don’t exist anymore. It’s so nice and calming. I swear, I have never felt so centered. I honestly would have never believed I would be so into exercise. I was such a die-hard couch potato (kinda contradictory, I know). Anyway, it’s nice to open yourself up to new experiences and be so richly rewarded by discovering a new world and a new part of yourself that you never knew could be possible.
Finally, I have even started workout journal! A part of me wanted to put it online but I decided that enough of my life is online and I have too many blogs. I decided to keep it locally on my computer using Microsoft Onenote:
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