Dec 22, 2003 16:47
So today my friend chris asked if i could come over so i asked my dad and he said it was ok and to just call if we were gonna go anywhere other than his house. My mom was working. First of all, my mom doesn't like me haning out with him for some reason, but then she changed her mind and said i could just as long as a certain other person wans't there, and they weren't so i thought it would be ok with her. When i got there his friend dale was over and he needed to go to get his drvers' licence renewed and so i called and asked if i could go with them, and my dad said yes. so so far i've done nothing wrong right? well apperantly not b/c when we get there my mom calls and says "where are you" and so i told her and then she hung up on me. so i called back and my sis said that she wasn't talking to me and that if i had asked her i knew that she would have said no. I don't know why she doesn't want me to hang out with them, they aren't bad ppl i promise, they don't drink, do drugs, sleep around or any of that crap that the "good kids" (aka preps) do. So anyways i got home and she wasn't there. my dad said that she told him taht i should be grounded for the rest of christmas break and he said no so she left and i havn't seen her as of yet, and i'm really scared. like you have no idea, my mom has never been this mad at me b4, we are really close and now i don't know what to do, i've never been grounded b4 either and i'm sure it wouldn't be the end of the world but still...i just don't see what the big deal is. Maybe i was wrong, but her conditions for me going over there were that a parent had to be there (his mom was home) and blah blah if those were false pretenses of why she didn't want me going over, then that is her fault and not mine...right? if i am in the wrong plese let me know
well i'm off bye kids