Apr 19, 2006 17:07
Some of you (the few who read this thing) might have noticed that i haven't really posted a journalesque (ya, not a word...) entry in a really long time...That's because i don't have much to say lately. Well, i'll throw in a REAL update on my life that probably no1 will read and fewer with comment on, haha!! soooo unpoopular XD
School. School is...schooly. I go 4 times a week. i wait for class to end. I try to get my homework done as soon as possible. I pay attention as much as i am capable of (hardy har har) and i think i'm doing alright. I'm not really worried about how i'm doing in any of my classes...i'm either doing mediocre or great, soooooo whatever. Just because i'm not worried doesn't mean i don't have stress, because believe me, i DO. Homework everyday, loads to do on the weekends. Heck, this weeken i'll have math homework, an essay, study for my art exam, and english homework on poetry (you'd think i'd have no problem with that since the poem is Marvell's "To His Coy Mistress", which we covered in Heinitz class in senior year of highschool, but NO!!...if anyone [Alsberg, Claire, Spohn, Lindsay?] remembers anything about that poem, do put in your two cents, hahaha!).
I have to get a job by the beginning of May. I need to save up for Disneyland, plus there are quite a few birthdays this summer, so i need money for that, plus money to just get by during the summer and have fun! So thursday i'm going to see if Sanrio is still hiring and see if i can suck up to the manager, then im picking up job applicationg for Barnes and Noble and Costplus...i know i'm stressed from school, but meee want jobbbbbb.
O, i've been eating better and walking 1 or 2 times a day...so that's either a mile or 2 miles a day, depending how many times i go. I lose weight fast, and i've already lost a couple pounds so i'm only a couple pounds over what i weighed in 8th grade, so that's pretty dang good, huh? hahaha!! My dad sure is thin too...he's lost 20 pounds in a month, that lucky bastard!
The weather is lovely. I've laid outside the past couple days and got some color, and my hips and cleavage got sun burned, hahahaha!!
I'm in a good mood a lot lately, despite stress and school and small social life and pms, hahahaha! It must be the glorious sunny spring weather and the fact that im losing weight and getting all...endorphined up. hhaha!
Uhh, i guess that's it really. i'm managing.