Drabble: Filing can be fun

Jan 05, 2008 16:24

Title: Filing Can be fun
Author: aphroditesky
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Reading files can be educational, and fun!
Disclaimer: I’m not Jack and Ianto’s creator, nor their keeper. I just use them for my own nefarious plots!
Notes: Cross posted to tw100 for Challenge 57: Anticipation

Filing can be fun

When he saw the photo file Ianto left on his desk, Jack immediately felt a jolt of anticipation hit his groin.

‘Must be a hint’, Jack decided, squirming in his chair. He rearranged his trousers to accommodate his growing arousal, stood, then looked out at the hub. He saw Ianto hard at work at his desk, oblivious to Jack’s lustful gaze.

Jack heard his computer chirp its Instant messenger notification.

Turning to his computer, Jack read the message:

Jones_Ianto said: Tunnel 9B. 10 minutes. Bring the file, your leather chaps and the Grrkillian Vibra-cuffs.

The safe was open in seconds.

drabble, jack/ianto

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