i live where it twists and turns

May 24, 2005 18:38

I feel like I’m dying. I really do not like this time of the month. I should probably be in bed, watching a movie but my cat Zoey has completely taken it over by crawling underneath my blankets and basically crying whenever I move them - poor thing. Still I feel like crap but I thought it was about time I write a semi-proper entry.

My mom and I saw Crash this past weekend thankfully enough it didn’t end with us having someone kicked out of the movie theater. Although the people in front of us kept talking, which drives me crazy. I don’t understand people who talk during the movie. I want to do harm to them. I did enjoy the film. I thought the script was amazing. I loved how all the characters tied together. Films about humanity are really rare but this one did such an incredible job at portraying those people you wanted to hate as just being human not that there were any excuses for their behavior.

I bought “The Aviator” today at circuit city and got “The Outlaw” for free. I’m extremely excited to listen to Scorsese commentary. If there’s a director that I want to pick brains with it’s him. I have to actually set a time to watch it considering I have no time and I’ve already seen it but still I need to find time so that I can absorb everything. I love that things like this make me extremely excited plus I got a Howard Hughes film - now that my friends is just lovely.

Thanks to Jenn I’ve been introduced to bana76, deathisyourart and ladywenham who are all lovely and keep me up way too late. Bad bad!!

I’ve gotten such great feedback on Lilly/Logan fic that makes me want to really get started on that epic I have in mind. I’ll post VM recs sometime this week.

Oh and crackers4jenn I have an idea for a Cop Leo fic! That should make you happy.

I really did have more to write about but I have to go lay down and die now. Oh! Also if you missed my post with the watercolors for sale please please visit! My mom just informed me that we have forty bucks for the next two weeks. I love that she tells me this after I spend money.

Watercolors for sale!!
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