First off, what's your name? Aimée (Amy) Boudreau
Why did your parents name you that, and do you wish they hadn't? My parents didn't name me, my sister did. I rather like my name.
How old are you? 20... that feels weird to exclaim.
How old are you emotionally? (As in, do you think you handle your emotions pretty well and have sorted through most of them) How about mentally? Depends. Sometimes 16, sometimes 20, sometimes 40. It depends on the situation at hand, and my caffiene intake.
Let's get this one over with- have you ever even had sex before? yeah
If you're a virgin, do you plan on having sex before you get married? Why or why not? n/a
Are you straight, bisexual, gay, or lesbian? Have you ever questioned whether you really are this way? I don't really know what I am. I just like who I like. So I guess you could call me bisexual. I haven't ever really questioned it.
Do you feel comfortable talking about sexual things or uncomfortable? Most of the time I'm comfortable with it. With certain people I get wicked uncomfortable though.
Do you feel comfortable talking about sexual things regarding your own experiences, what turns you on, etc.? I don't really talk about my sex life too much. I like people out of my ish. But if someone asks me a question, more often than not I'll answer it. As long as it has nothing to do with bodily functions. ::glare::
Do you, or have you ever masturbated? Do you think it's okay for members of the sex opposite your own to masturbate and why or why not? Yes, I've masterbated quite a bit. I really don't see why anyone would have a problem with it.
On a scale of 1-10, one being the least, and ten being the most, how perverted do you feel you are?: Honestly? Probably a 8 or 9.
If you're a teenager, are your hormones making you undoubtedly horny? I'm 20, but I'm still unbelievably frustrated.
Have you ever had a sexual dream before, or "wet dream?" Feel free to describe. Yes I have had sexual dreams, and no I will not describe.
What do you think of pornography? Have you ever seen it? Love it. Watch it. Own it. I am the porn fairy.
Do you have any fetishes or things that automatically start to turn you on? If so, what are they? No... not really... at least not that I've found out yet.
re you flexible, or do flexible people turn you on? (If you don't understand how this question is sexual you probably never will.) I am unbelievably flexible, but I've never really had sex with someone really bendy, so I can't really judge.
How do sex scenes in movies make you feel? Disgusted? Hot? Elaborate. Depends on the movie, who I'm with, and what's going on. Usually I'm just like "hey, there are boobs on the screen." It really doesn't do anything.
Did you lie on, or avoid answering any of the above questions? I almost put a lot of intimate info, but I deleted it.
Do you believe in love as a concept? Why or why not? I believe in love. I've felt it, so I know it's real.
Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? If so, who? No, I don't.
Do you love them? Why or why not? n/a
How long have you been together? n/a
If you answered no to the first question in this section, do you have a crush? I have around five of them, all of varing degrees.
Do you love them? No.
On a scale of 1-10, one being the least and ten being the most, how important is your boyfriend, girlfriend, or crush to you? they're all semi-important. Some more than others, cuz I've known em longer.
On a scale of 1-10, how important is the way your boyfriend's/girlfriend's/crush's family feel about you to you? Haven't met all of their families, but for the ones I have met, I think they heart me.
If you family hated your crush, boyfriend, or girlfriend, would you still go out with them? Why? Yes, because it's my decision who I'm with, not theirs.
DOES your family hate your crush, boyfriend, or girlfriend? Naw, they just think they're weird. But I'm weird myself, so I take it with a grain of salt.
Are you physically attracted to your crush, boyfriend, or girlfriend? Why or why not? Well... yeah!
Do you think The Beatles were high when they wrote the song, "All You Need is Love?" I think the Beatles were high all the time, but I love em anyways.
How do you know when you love someone? When I trust them completely, and I can say that they know me as well as I know myself. I can't explain it, you just KNOW.
Is love worth it? Yes, very much so.
Who is/are your best friend/s of the opposite sex? Nick (I have a lot of GOOD friends that are guys, but Nick has a special place in my heart)
Who is/are you best friend/s of the same sex? Manda (same here, only not as many good friends. But Manda and I have been through almost everything together)
Name one or two people you know you would die for. quite a few people, actually. But I don't like to pick favorites.
On a scale of 1-10, how important are your friends to you? 10
Have you ever fallen in love with a friend? How did that work out, if you did? Yes, most of my exes are friends. Most of my relationships start out fantastic, but just fall apart, but I've been able to stay friends with the ones that really matter.
How well do your friends know you? Do you think they would still be your friends if they knew EVERYTHING, no exceptions, about you? If so, which friends? Only a few of my friends know me front to back. The rest of them... I think that they would look at me very differently if they knew everything about me/
Ten years from now, which friends do you hope to still be in touch with? Why? All of them. I love them all.
Do you have any diagnosed mental disorders? If so, what? Borderline Personality Disorder with Major Depression, and hallucionations
Do you have any undiagnosed mental disorders? If so, what? ::shrugs::
If you do in fact have a diagnosed or even undiagnosed mental disorder, describe what it feels like and/or your personal experiences with it. Lonely. Cold. Lost. Not plesant at all.
Have you ever been to a therapist, psychiatrist, or psychologist before? If so, were they helpful to you? Yes I have, and more often than not, they weren't any more helpful than a good friend would be. They're just objective.
Do you think your dreams are a window into your soul? Or do they have any significance at all? I think they help my thoughts sort themselves out, but I would go as far as to call them a window into my soul. If they are... then I have a really fucked up soul.
How would you describe yourself mentally and psychologically? Holding on. I'm not entirely sure. It depends on the day.
Do you feel insecure with your own person? Have a self-esteem problem? If so, why do you think you do? I have periods of low self-esteem. I don't really think that many people find me attractive cuz of the whole weight thing. But other than that, I love who I am.
What religion or system of beliefs, if any, do you subscribe to? Uniterian Universalist
Is this a mainstream religion? I don't really think so.
What do you think about non-mainstream religions? (Wicca, Hiduism, etc.?) ::shrugs:: I'm usually against organized religion altogether/
How much do you actually know about non-mainstream religions? a LOT
Have you ever tried to convert someone to your own religion? Why or why not? Kinda, sorta. I brought someone to church with me once.
What is your overall opinion of televangelists? ::shrugs:: whatever, man.
What is your opinion of evangelists in general? Con-artists. Try something original for a change.
One word can be said and mean many different things. In the end, how important are words, really? Words are one of the only true weapons humans can possess.
If you could ask God or whomever you choose as a supreme being one question, and only one, what would it be? (If you're an atheist just skip ahead.) Why is there so much pain in the world?
Is music important to you? Why or why not? Very much so. It helps me express myself in ways that I cannot.
Do you sing? If so, do you sing well? Yes, and I sure hope so. Or else I'm gonna make an ass outta myself when I get onstage.
Wat instruments do you play, if any? piano, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, but I want to learn drums
Doyou or have you ever written music before? I have, but I don't do it too often.
What do you think of Eminem? Funny guy. Kinda hot. A little awkward though. Not very smooth.
In your opinion, what band is the best of all time? (Name a few if you can't decide.) Beatles, Rolling Stones, Nine Inch Nails, Tool basically anyone truely individualistic
Now for the lightning round. Do you like...
Pop music: some
Rock music: YES
Punk music: most of
Rap music: some
Hip-Hop/R&B: very few, but some. I like funk and soul more.
Country: I grew up listening to it, so it's in my bones. As much as I don't like to admit it, I do like some of it.
Jazz: Love most of it, but I gotta be in the mood.
Classical: Again, love it, but it's gotta be the right time
New Age: Boring
What is one band/singer you absolutely love that no one else does or seems to have heard about? Garbage, KMFDM, K's Choice
Pick up the nearest CD to you and write a random song lyric from it. "I'm out of my mind, and I never know why. I'm falling to pieces."
What is your favorite tv show? Real World. It used to be Sex and the City but it was cancelled. Then it was Dead Like Me, but my dad doesn't have showtime.
What is your favorite movie? I can't pick just one,and I'm too lazy to type em all out.
If someone made a movie about your life, do you think anyone would want to see it? More than likely. It's been rather timultiousl.
What is your favorite TV character? Don't really have one.
What is your favorite movie character? see above.
Favorite actor? Edward Norton, Robin Williams
Favorite actress? Drew Barrymore, Rose McGowen
What is your stance on abortion? I think it's better than bringing a child into this world that you'll totally fuck up,
What is your opinion on gay people being allowed to get married? Honestly, the word marriage is a religious term. If a religion condems homosexuality, then they should not be forced to perform the service. But, if a church is willing to perform the ceremony, they should be allowed to.
What is your opinion on gay couple adopting? Let them. Gay families don't cause homosexuality. Straight families do.
Do you have a political party affiliation? If so, what and why? Naw, I'm registered as No Party.
What do you think about sex before marriage? As long as you can deal with the emotional and physical circumstances, bone away.
Tell us one thing you're pretty sure no one knows about. Naw, I'm good.