I finished this book yesterday, of course, but didn't feel like blogging til now. It's all over. *sigh* But so worth it.
SNAPPPPE! i have had staunch belief in his innocence from the start. And was a sev/lilly shipper since OOTP. And when he said "always" about his patronus, I lost it. The Sev/Lily was lovely. It made me cry, I think that "The Prince's Tale" was the best chapter, with its emotion combined with exposition combined with the pace. *sniffle*
As far as the ending, I still have mixed feelings about that. It seemed convulated and even fanfictiony, but it was still really good, even though I didn't think that she would actually make Harry a horcrux. But I was like O_____o when he came back to life. And I was really proud o Narcissa for sticking by her son.
I also finally really liked Dumbledore's character, now that he has great backstory, otherwise he was too twinkly, if you will.
I totally called the Final Battle at Hogwarts. I'm surprised that she killed Tonks though, I was pretty sure she was going to reunite the Marauders, but I guess it was a tetstament to their relationship. Like united at last after all their problems. I loved how the teachers started using their own specialties to kick ass. And Molly Weasley swore! Loudly! HA! Bellatrix had it coming, even if I do love her.
Speaking of which, I didn't expect Voldy to be so uspet at Bellatrix' death. I mean, we all know that she was seriously obsessed and in love with Voldemort, but I hadn't realized that he was so attachced to her. It makes me wonder about their relationship. I don't think either of themcould feel romantic love in such twisted personalities and unbalanced relationship, but I sense there was some fierce devotion between the two. Or she was just symbolic to his plpan crumpling, so thats why Voldy was so upset. *shrug*
And the one-liners in this book made me giggle, a lot. hee.
And Fred. Whyyyyyy?
And the epilogue was okay. I guess. Either way. it will spawn zillions of next-gen fics.
Also, pics from midnight magic party coming soon.