Jan 17, 2006 16:54
So I started my slaving at TIm Hortons a few days ago, its not that bad sort f stressful but there is always help and most of the customers are patient with me and the regulars there are helpful. My manager is awsome I like her she reminds me of our old neighbour from green mtn rd in Penticton makes me miss her. I can't wait to get paid. Today ( my second day) they out me on counter by myself cause they really like the way I work and say that i'm learning faster than most thats the only reason they left me alone and instead of doing my 7 hours tomorrow they are giving me a full 8 so i'm happy about that.
As soon as I get paid I am going to call up Dave Tash and Joe and we and Ryan will all go out for a movie! cause I need to see Vid again I miss him and Tash and Joe better work things out cause I love them both and i'm going to force them to hang out together and like it!
This wednesday Ryans mom invited us over for dinner with her and margarette and Graham it should be awsome, shes making steak and prawns and making pumpkn pie for dessert ...mmmmmmm. I love his mom shes awsome!
I only get thursday off this week which is ok cause more hours for me then I get sunday mon tues off I like the scedule here; and unlike Arbys they actually give the appropriate breaks for how long you work so I get my 2=10min and 1-15min break tomorrow
and they are all paid! and you get an extra dollar an hour for working the night shift and you get medical and dental and a bonus $200 after 6 months of work. They really don't want to lose any workers :P
So I have unfortunatly made a big decision to discomunicate myself from certain people due to the lack of kindness. I hate to do it but I think it will make my life easier and less stressfull!I have too much shit with family going on that I can't deal with friend problems as well.
I think thats all I have to say for now.
Hugs to the ones who need it!