(no subject)

Jun 23, 2006 14:57

Peacock Gala tonight! Woo...hair is done, dress is ready...I'm really excited!

Tomorrow is the start of my beach week. Sam and Joan are coming up from tomorrow to monday, which will obv be the best. More boogieboarding, people walking on water, seagulls eating our eyes out, and hopefully not burns this year. Then if anyone else wants to come up one day, let me know! I can NOT wait.

Leave a comment and...
1. I'll respond with something random about you
2. I'll challenge you to try something
3. I'll pick a color that I associate with you
4. I'll tell you something I like about you
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of
7. I'll ask you something I've always wanted to ask you
8. If I do this for you, you must post this on yours

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