talking to myself and you happen to be here

Jul 20, 2002 06:41

You will live in Apartment.
You will drive a sparkly blue Porche Boxer.
You will marry Josh Swim Coach and have 3 kids.
You will be a animal rescue team vet in Orlando.

lol I have a cute swim coach, but it is weird how I am his little pupil person. When he coached at Palo Verde he would be coaching girls almost his age. I bet a lot of then liked him.

Today was so so so much fun!
Trenton and Anna and I literally talked all night long. NO SLEEPY!!! We talked a lot about Joel. I found out a lot that I did not know. Things that made my heart feel like a doggie's chew toy. I didn't know that he always complained about me. I thought about it because he does it about his friends. I asked him a while a og and he said no. I never want to be in a realationship ever again where the other person does not feel comfortable telling me their feelings. Today, I think I heard him telling Robert that I was annoying. I know I must be annoying to someone... I guess it is just Joel.

I almost talked to him today a few times. I still don't know how to act exactly. I like talking to him so much. Trenton says that one of the first things that Joel said about me was that it was really easy for him to talk to me. He totally forgot about going to Safe house on Friday. I kind of brought it up, but ended up inviting people over for a movie.

I am glad I am getting to know Trenton. He told me all these things about his practiacally everything in life. He is so hurt by Joel and Kristen. NO one knows what is happening there or maybe they are just not telling me. Trenton said that he wished he could uninvite them from coming over tomorrow. I do not fully understand but picked up hints. At first he was like, Joel would never like Kristen, he knows how I feel, he would not do that to me. Then he doubted that and decided he did not like Kristen anymore. I don't know. Then, in eegee's, when Joel asked about calling Kristen, Trenton was like well, she is coming over tomorrow. Joel said so! Then Trenton started saying something how his parents did not want people there past six. Well, Joel went to pick up Kristen and was to meet anna at her house as last I heard.

I loved today. I love seeing Joel be goofy liek only he can be goofy. I like how Robert doesn't ignore me. I like how Trenton is so strange sometimes. I like how Chelly is so so cute and how Joel and Robert were competing for her attention. I like how Anna is like my bestest friend and is always there for me.

Swimming was fun. I liked how we got to see the strings of fish eggs. I liked how Joel's dad is still so nice to me. I like how Chelly said that I needed to come over some time. I like how God seems to talk through the sky and plants and just the beauty of his creation. On the way walking back today, I couldn't help wanting to get carried away right into the wind. Right into His strong comforting embrace.

I am so tired. I did not sleep last night at all. The night before last I slept only four hours. I worked five to clase today. I am glad I worked because I really did not want to annoy Joel.
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