I've been having some major allergy issues lately, and I don't understand why. I am pretty sure 99.5% is actually food allergies, but the rest?? So I moved my bed away from the windows, in hoping the dust doesn't actually bother me much anymore. I had my bed right under the windows, and well it was always covered in dirt, because during the day I had windows open..
I am tired and spent, my nose keeps draining and it's annoying as hell. If I take a Benadryl today I will be knocked out lol so I will take it before I go to bed.
I also cleaned the bathroom and vacuumed the whole house this weekend. No more manual labor for me this week. LOL I am just finishing up my laundry then I am going to sign into my game and relax later on.
Oh yeah things are much better on the new server, I got into a great semi progression guild; and full of wonderful people. Thanks to
velara for talking me into coming over, I owe her one! I am enjoying myself much more in game, and want to roll many different toons now. For now I moved only two toons into the guild, my main and main alt... The rest are staying in the guild with
velara I've done ICC 25 man twice and 10 man once, I like 25 man better, but Festergut is just plain evil, OMFG he is a dirty bitch.. LOL And I am two kills away from getting The Champions of the Frozen Waste title. I also got a semi-rare mount last night the white polar bear dropped for me in the bag of goodies. I spent half a year doing dailies to get him. Now to work on the Oracles for the Green Proto Drake.
White Polar Bear Mount
http://www.warcraftmounts.com/mounts/whitepolarbear.html Festergut!
http://www.flickr.com/photos/goldiekatsu/4484850450/ So as you all can see things are going well, I am having fun and I am happy in game again, new server rocks!
Oh yeah side note: Asshole's old guild is falling apart as everyone left to play horde, but didn't tell my one guild mate who I still talk to. Nice guys huh? So G, said he would be coming over to my server, when he can afford to. (which means about another month or so) As he is tired of not having anyone to talk to or play with. And Asshole isn't doing anything with his 80's as but heroics... He keeps rolling alts and just bitches about the game sucking (so I've been told) LMAO justice has been served ladies!
Happy weekend, hope all is well with everyone.
Oh yeah Jensen got married to Danneel, and if you ask me nicely I do have a zip file of their wedding pictures. ;) Such a happy couple, beautiful too. Wish them the best! May they get to spend some time together before they both get back to working.