I feel........
and I think I may be having an anxiety attack.
maybe the shovelling?
I think I'll run away.
my dad's laughter sounds like i do when I'm bawling
it kind of weirds me out.
Flower: winter lillies
Drink: water/coffee/white wine
Movie: streetcar named desire/breakfast at tiffanys/blue velvet
Sport: running? kayaking? hiking? are these sports?
Food: indian or nachos, i really hate it but its the truth
Season: summer/autumn
Day: thursday
Name: eva angeli / courtlandt
Song: lately... waiting for the miracle + that fist song by the dudes. its just catchy
Hometown: st.john's
Hair color: brown
Hair length: almost to my shoulders?
Eye Colour: blue..icy? apparently?
Mood: irritated
Education level: 3rd year psych
Sign: taurus
Have you ever been in love? yes
Do you believe in love?: of course.
Have you ever been heart broken?: yes.
Have you ever broken someone's heart?: no...maybe for a week or something.
Has anyone ever told you they love you?: yes.
Have you ever fallen for your best friend?: no, but i fell for someone who is now my best friend?
Are you afraid of commitment?: sometimes..but not really
Are you currently crushing?: yes
Vokda or wine?: wine. um,how is your vodka memory treating you?
Hook-ups or relationship?: relationship.
Pepsi or Coke: diet coke
Wild night out or romantic night in?: depends...i'm currently wild night outted. wild night in?
Saturday or Sunday?: saturday. sundays are depressing.
Colored Or Black & White?: black & white..sepia?
Have you ever been caught sneaking out?: i live in the goulds
Have you ever skinny dipped?: yes
Have you ever done something you regret?: a few times
Have you ever bungee jumped?: no
Have you ever been on a house boat?: no, nor do i entirely know what one is
Have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker?: yuck..attention span?
Have you ever wanted something so badly it hurt?: yes
Have you ever stayed up all night 'til the sun came up?: thank god
Have you ever been caught by your parents with a hickey?: yes, my mom used to make me wear scarves and turtlenecks around my father
Have you ever been caught by your parents doing anything more than making out?: once, the other times i pray they didn't know they caught me doing more than making out
Are you missing someone right now?: yes
Are you happy?: ah i dont know
Are you bored?: intolerably
Are you German?: evidently
Are you Irish?: no
Are you Italian?: no
Are you married?: eek
Are you single?: no