OMG OMG OMG!!! That was so amazing awesome in it's awesomeness ^_^ I knew it was going to be a good day when we first entered the Ontario Science Centre, as there was a 'flying' Ford Anglia in the front lobby :)
Upon entering the exhibit, we were greeted by a Hogwarts teacher. She welcomed us, and explained the exhibit. Of course your journey at Hogwarts begins with the Sorting Ceremony. Four lucky people got to wear the Sorting Hat(!) and were placed in Ravenclaw, Griffindor, Hufflepuff and Griffindor (no Slytherins in our group!). She then waved her wand at the doors, said 'Alohomora', and we were on our way. The next room consisted of 7 screens which showed scenes from the 6 movies (no previews of Deathly Hallows that I noticed), then a curtain raised to the left of us, revealing...THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS!!!! The exhibit was full of various props and costumes used in all 6 movies, including the Tri-Wizard Cup and slips of paper with the Champions names, Professor Umbridge's detention quill (along with the parchment - "I will not tell lies" *shudder*), Voldemort's robes, a Quidditch set, Harry's golden egg from the Tri-Wizard Tournament, everyone's wands, and the list goes on! You could also practice your Quidditch shots (similar to the basketball nets at arcades) and pull a screaming mandrake from a pot. There were sets from the Griffindor common room, Hagrid's Hut, and of course, the Great Hall - complete with floating candles! The souvenir 'shoppe' was full of wonderful things, including limited edition numbered prints by Mary Grand Pre (the artist who did the covers for the American versions of the books), a Nimbus 2001(!), and wands galore. I picked up a mini Sorting Hat for Stephen, and a Maurader's Map mug for Jayson - it looks like a plain black mug, but when you fill it with hot liquid, it reveals the map!
We may have to return before the Exhibition ends, so that Jayson can see it - and so that I can see it again!