(no subject)

Jul 02, 2005 11:35

you three have given me more than i could ask for over the past three years. it means more to me than you know. i don't want this to sound like a goodbye, just an expression of gratitude. so thank you.

- out of everyone, i felt that you & i had clicked the most (for the most part). we had a lot of the same interests & ideas. i never really understood why it was we argued like we did. i guess that was my fault, for the most part. so i apologized, & you apologized, & everything seemed all right. but i guess summer doesn't agree with us. though you gave me an answer for our present "separation," i still don't really understand. so i guess i'll apologize again for not being a person you see as a friend in your life. i hope you have a great vacation. i'll miss you. just like last summer.

- i realize that you have something special in your life now, & i couldn't be happier for you; you deserve nothing less, i've always told you that. i understand that we can't have what we used to, & i wouldn't be so selfish as to ask for it back. but i guess i would like to know where it went. just a hug every day, or how we'd make fun of each other, how you'd put notes in my locker every day, how we were the only ones left awake at three in the morning... you made high school, & this town, a little better for me over the past few years. the last good thing about this part of town, remember? i just miss you, that's all.

- & you. the one who always knew when something was wrong, when my head was spinning. you'd stop everything to make sure i was okay, that i got out everything that was on my mind. & i really tried my hardest to do the same for you. we had our own philosophies about our lives & about the world that made us feel better for feeling worse. & we promised each other that no matter what happens in the future, we would always keep talking, keep each other sane. i really need you.

(maybe i'm just overreacting.)
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