Remember that honesty meme from a while back? I got an anonymous comment on it recently.
My honest opinion? You're a cool person, but I think in order to be happier (or at least less emo), you really need to take charge of your life and spend more time offline.
--anonymousI'm not offended by it or anything, but it does make me think a
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Comments 1
Still, it does make me wonder.... how can someone guess a card number, even by accident? It's very difficult and requires such a high number of different combinations that my head hurts just thinking about it. I think that they probably used a random generator to obtain strings of numbers and tried those (it can be done easily in Excel, if one defines the right parameters) but even then, there was still the difficulty of also knowing the card type and the three-digit security number on the back, if they tried to use it for online shopping.
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