(no subject)

Mar 23, 2006 22:21

Ok, so it's Spring Break, I'm bored, and I've been wanting to do this for a long time.

No real order, just people I know or still update. Guess your number.

1. You were my first real friend when I started going to Hewitt, and no one has separated us since. From "The Tree," to vent sessions, to our weird stage in seventh grade, to now. Thanks for always being there for me even when you changed schools. I know that whenever I need someone to talk to, you'll be there for me with good advice, and of course good coffee :)

2. We've basically been through many life-threatening experiences together, whether it being a drunk man in Miami asking us "Why you have color?", or almost burning up in a church fire in Jamacia, or trying to survive two 18 hour 15-passenger van rides with 14 people in the van. We also have random matching outfits. Thanks for being there for me all these years!

3. I've only really known you for about a year, but our moms have been friends FOREVER. Even though I didn't like you when we were younger (hah), I consider you one of my best friends now. Thank you for being such an encourager, and one of the strongest Christians I know.

4. We met during Guys and Dolls. Since then, we've been in other productions together, and you've even been my crazy grandmother! Thanks for being crazy with me backstage, and making Hewitt Theatre so much fun to be in.

5. I've known you since I was five years old. We've been through everything together, thick and thin. Yet, you're still one of my best friends. Thank you for being there for me so many times when I was about to give up. You are always the optimism to my pessimism, and a constant encourager. You helped pushed me to my extreme. And for that, I am grateful. And stop playing with your hair :)

6. You are on my dance team, and we have a lot in common. Thanks for knowing exactly what to get me for our buddy gift at Nationals! It was perfect, haha.

7. I didn't know you until Photography, but you are so real. We have similar beliefs. Thanks for laying your thoughts out for others to learn from. Oh, and a word of advice: never wear a dress with angel wings and flowery pants EVER again, haha.

8. I don't know you very well, but you are a youth leader at church. Thanks for always talking to me and being so nice and encouraging. You have a very "bubbly" personality!

9. You're one of my favorite people that go to Hewitt. I'm glad we've started to hang out more often! You know more about pop-culture than I know about dancing, and that's a lot. Thanks for the random movie nights, and for sharing my Greek-food-fetish, heh.

10. I think we really connected with the whole "singing in the shower" choir comment way back in the day, haha. You thought I was reallllly weird in seventh grade. But amidst all the note passing in Coach Brown's class, I think you came to know me as a tad normal-er than you thought I was :) Since then, we've basically had every single class together, but not really meaning to. I like how we can talk about anything, and I mean anything, hah. You are one of my best friends, and have been there for me through everything.

11. I think we met during Oklahoma!, but got to know each other better during the Sidewalk Scramble / Plot. You were basically the only person I hung out with over Winter Break, haha. Thanks for the good conversation, and singing Rent with me as loud as we could!

12. I think you use MySpace to blog now, but oh well. Our moms have been best friends since forever, but I just recently got to know you in 10th grade theatre. Your fire for Jesus is contagious, keep it up!

13. I had the biggest crush on you in 9th grade. We randomly met outside of Target / TJ Maxx and had a crazy night, which led into a crazy couple of months. Even though we have had our awkward moments, I consider you one of my best guy friends. Your love for people will get you so far in life. I respect you for that. Thanks for always being there for me. And I bet you secretly liked our llama / wombat cookie we made for you :)

14. You are another person I met randomly through Linnea. Just from the few times I've hung out with you, you are one of the most down-to-earth people I know. And that's a good thing, heh.

15. We were really cool back in middle school and waited for our moms to pick us up at "The Tree." We even got a color picture in the yearbook, twice! Haha. Anyway, it's been fun getting to hang out with you while we volunteer at nursing homes where old ladys yell at us, or scooting through Inverness Park.

16. Thank you for being nothing but great to me; I had a lot of fun while it lasted. You are also probably the best writer that I know. You know a lot about me, and I wish we still talked because it was always good conversation.

17. I've gone to church with you for forever. You've always been very nice to me, and I even saw you tonight!

18. I met you during Guys and Dolls. My favorite memory of you is in the dressing room, turning up Styx really loud, and just crazy dancing! Oh, and the mishap on stage, but we won't talk about that, heh. It was also fun scootin' at the Walk for Diabetes, haha.

19. I think you should have the award for "Phantom of the Hewitt Theatre." You are an amazing actor! We used to hang out a lot, but now we really don't anymore. Thanks for always being the level-headed one.

20. I had Spanish III / Psych with you. I think if you weren't in Spanish with me, I would've gone crazy from boredom. I'm glad you came back to Hewitt this year! You also have a fetish with picking my hair off my coat and also messing it up as I randomly pass you through the halls. We need to break this habit!

21. We met through mutual friends at church. You are so much fun to be around! Thanks for yelling nice things at me when I was stuck on top of a ferris wheel, haha.

22. We had lunch together at one time. I think of you as a very quiet person, but other people have told me differently, heh. I always laugh when you and Rachel make faces at us in Krayer's window.

23. We met in 10th grade drivers ed class. Now, we have English together. I don't know you well, but you are very smart, and I love your hair color!

24. I think I first met you at your own birthday party that you invited me to without really knowing me. Since then, we've randomly hung out at shows and late-night movies based on the life story of Johnny Cash.

25. I met you an extremely long time ago at church. I need to come watch one of your productions soon! I also think you are very pretty.

26. I met you through Linnea. You are an a very good actor. We should have more dance classes, haha.

27. When we first met, we were amazed about how much we were alike. Ever since we bonded as "Lobby's" in eighth grade, I knew we'd be stuck with each other for a while, and I'm glad for that. Thanks for always being someone to talk to, and for giving me Godly advice.

28. My gosh, I would have never gotten through Sullen's class without you. Thank you thank you thank youuuuuu.

29. I met you through random Parkway people / Rachel (Texas). I think you are the definition of a teenager: always hanging out and having fun! I also think your eyes are really pretty, and that you and Rachel are really twins.

30. We went to church together for a long time. I always remember you being in my crafts class with me, and seeing you at random shows around Birmingham. And giving me boy advice that one time, heh.

31. We met when you fell on me that one time, haha. But, in eighth grade we just clicked. I feel like I've known you for so much longer than four years. I get a kick out of reading all the notes you wrote me in 8th and 9th grade; I saved every one of them. You have this constant energy that people love to be around, and we can really talk and connect.

32. I met you through Allison during my freshman year. You were a lot of fun! I hope you are having a great time in college.

33. You are probably the most successful person I know, and you will go on to do great things. Just don't let it get to your head :) Thanks for always being so nice to me. It was fun working on the film with you, even if we did get DQed.

34. We met through Linnea / Kathleen wayyy back in eighth grade. You've always been so nice to me! I'm glad I still get to see you every so often.

35. You're one of my best friend's boyfriend. You are one of the best photographers I know, and you are really funny. I still can't figure out if you are actually Italian or not, hah.

36. I got to know you through theatre and random church events between our two churches. You can play guitar realllly well. I still want to see your band play, even though it got cancelled. Maybe Fine Arts?

37. I think I met you in homeroom last year. You are so much fun to hang out with, but I have no clue where you are now. Florida? California? I don't know. Come back to Birmingham, because we miss you!

38. You were one my best friend's little sister, but you have grown to be one of my good friends. You one of the prettiest people I know, and so much fun to be around!

39. You used to go to middle school with me, but then you disappeared and then reappeared years later at Julie's birthday party. You're a good photographer. Oh, and thanks for making me rethink my entire American citizenship.

40. You are one of the smartest and perseverent people at Hewitt. And I respect you for that. You are also crazy! It's always fun to have classes with you.

41. / 42. This one is for two people: I met you through Linnea, and have randomly hung out with you since. I always like reading your posts; they are very insightful and thought-provoking.

43. We've had random classes / lunches with each other for a long time. You are very accepting, and connect with people easily. I think we had too much fun scrambling on the last day of Photography; the pictures are hilarious!

44. I don't know you that well, but we've gone to church together for a long time and hung out at Mike and Suzie's. From what I know of you, don't be so hard on yourself! You're a beautiful person, inside and out.
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