I am still alive...

Jul 01, 2008 17:18

Definitely had menstrual cramps for the first time EVER this morning, and I contemplated not going to work, because it SUCKED.

Good thing I dragged myself off to work today, despite feeling entirely disgusting. See, it used to be that I was the marketing intern at the place I work at, with two superiors. Well, one left a couple of weeks ago, and when I got in this morning, I found out the other one left too. Don't know why yet, but it's left me, the INTERN, as the only one who knows what's going on in marketing.

FUUUUUUCK. I don't even know what's going on half the time. I'm not even nineteen yet...

Anyway, hopefully the person a level above that can sort things out. And hopefully, a replacement comes for both positions. Because I'm taking three weeks off to go home in August, and then I'm leaving the job permanently by January, as hopefully, I'm leaving the country. Which would leave no one, not even clueless me. :S
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