Living with my boyfriend

Feb 08, 2005 11:51

Well, we haven't moved in together, but my family has been in Hong Kong since Saturday and we've been staying together every night since. It's a little strange, but it hot me last night that I want to live with him. He's asked if I want to move in with him, but he lives with a roommate and while I love Jeff, if I lived with him, I would kill him.

If I live with Paul, I would want it to be just the two of us. Last night was like a preview of how living together would be. It was great! We talked during the day to figure out dinner, I went grocery shopping after work and we cooked and ate dinner together. It was so nice. I know that not everyday will be picture perfect, but I can deal with it. I've never been able to picture myself living with a boyfriend before him.

Ok, enough mush. This weekend was pretty busy, but so much fun! Friday night and all day Saturday was the Alpha Phi Regional Conference in Burlingame. I was SO happy that it was close to home. Usually, it's just the Pacific Northwest Region, but this year was a joint conference with the chapters from the Southwest too. There were 40 chapters there total! It was great to see our new E-board so excited and eager to learn. Unfortunately, I had to miss the Red Dress Gala and Awards dinner because I drove my family to the airport, but I can't wait to see the pictures.

Sunday, Paul and Jeff threw their first big party at their new house in honor of the Super Bowl. So many people showed up and it was great to see friends that I haven't seen in a while. We made so much food and the bar was fully stocked. It was just good times all around: ping pong, Dennis getting crazy after shots of Jamesons and Cazadores and passing out on the sidewalk, darts, the living room turning into an impromptu dance floor, "Respect the Bragg!", Paul, his gold chain, and bling, "Rose McGowan or Reese Witherspoon?", Steve's argyle sweater and matching socks, Ric's hair, singing Weezer songs while Mando and Pavel played guitar, playing Halo 2 online and talking to 10 year olds (yes, I played but I still loathe it!), "get the towel!", etc. The best part? I wasn't hung over at all the next day! I even made it to work 15 minutes early.

The next big events will be Cheryl's housewarming and Maria's birthday. The boys will be out of town for Jeff's birthday, so I can't wait for the girls to take over San Jose! :)
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