My conversation with...."Waleed"...

Feb 09, 2003 23:22

Okay I don't know how many of you here on Livejournal use ICQ. I understand the program is used all over the globe, but I have noticed that for some reason, 98% of the messages I get are from supposed Arabs or Egyptians. Never ever ever do I get someone from the U.S. For awhile I was wondering if these people I'd get messages from were in fact Americans with nothing else to do in their spare time. They all seem to ask to be on your contact list without even getting to know you first, as if I ask for a request to be added to my list just because I felt like it. Today I got another unsurprising 50 million of these messages, and decided to have some fun with one of them:

waleed (8:38 PM) : hi
Lana (10:42 PM) : hi
waleed (10:42 PM) : hi
waleed (10:43 PM) : a s l <---So he knows internet slang at least...
Lana (10:43 PM) : 20.f.CA
Lana (10:43 PM) : you?
waleed (10:43 PM) : waleed <---omg, I couldn't have guessed.
waleed (10:44 PM) : 27
waleed (10:44 PM) : egypt
waleed (10:44 PM) : you?<---Dyslexia?
Lana (10:44 PM) : i just told you.
waleed (10:45 PM) : what?
waleed (10:45 PM) : you not told me/
Lana (10:45 PM) : i said: 20.f.CA
waleed (10:48 PM) : hey <---*sighs* back to step 1.
Lana (10:49 PM) : do you have a brain problem?
waleed (10:50 PM) : what?
Lana (10:50 PM) : do you ever find yourself at a loss for what is going on in your life?
waleed (10:51 PM) : you not u s a
waleed (10:51 PM) : ok <---That answers my question right there.
waleed (10:51 PM) : we can near more plz
Lana (10:52 PM) : we can 'near more' after you get some brain surgery.
Lana (10:52 PM) : and then, after that, we can sit by the fire while you tell me how the hell a person 'nears more'. okay?
waleed (10:53 PM) : wait me ok <---Notice that he doesn't even ask what I'm saying if he doesn't understand.
Lana (10:55 PM) : oh what the heck. I'll print this whole conversation and you can translate it for me.
waleed (10:55 PM) : you speak arabic?
Lana (10:58 PM) : I speak English. I don't know if you could tell that from what I've been typing to you. <---Uh, der?
Lana (10:58 PM) : I mean, gosh I've heard it's a pretty tough language.
waleed (10:58 PM) : you have yahoo or hot mail?
Lana (10:59 PM) : I have both.
Lana (10:59 PM) : do you have "hot mail"?
waleed (10:59 PM) : ok talk on yahoo plz <---Yea isn't it so cool nowadays how our technology is so advanced that we can chat with people on websites without knowing their screen names??
Lana (10:59 PM) : we all like to get hot mail sometimes.
Lana (10:59 PM) : why...we're talking here.
waleed (11:00 PM) : ok hot mail
Lana (11:00 PM) : Ok let me make this more clear.
Lana (11:00 PM) : Why do you want to talk on yahoo or hotmail when we can talk HERE
waleed (11:01 PM) : caze yahoo fast
waleed (11:01 PM) : or hot mail
Lana (11:01 PM) : I do believe this is fast.
Lana (11:02 PM) : I have another question for you.
Lana (11:02 PM) : since when did Hotmail have a messenger program??<---I could be wrong...
waleed (11:02 PM) : ok
Lana (11:02 PM) : You didn't really think Hotmail had a chat program did you?
Lana (11:03 PM) : Oh my god, you did! That's so cute!
waleed (11:04 PM) : you have pic?<---Either all of this went over his head or he's an American trying to ignore me.
Lana (11:04 PM) : a pic? Do I ha- OH you mean do I like to pick? As in pick my nose?
waleed (11:06 PM) : can i see your face plz
Lana (11:06 PM) : I'm sure you egyptians make a hobby out of that...gad all that sand that gets up there..
Lana (11:06 PM) : I'm sorry, I do not have my face online. You have your face online?
waleed (11:07 PM) : my .... i think you must go now<---Does he get it?
waleed (11:07 PM) : ok
Lana (11:07 PM) : You're telling me what I need to do?
Lana (11:07 PM) : This is AMERICA
Lana (11:07 PM) : I can think for myself, thank you.
waleed (11:07 PM) : plz leave me alone
Lana (11:08 PM) : Hey, you messaged me.
waleed (11:08 PM) : plz goooooooooooooo
Lana (11:08 PM) : Lesson #1. You don't *go* from an online conversation, you simply *stop typing*

Seriously, I have no problem talking to foreign people. I actually find it great to talk to someone that's so far away from you and to find out what it's like to live there. However, getting imms from 345345 "foreign" people a day that try to talk to me even though they "can't" wears me out...A lot actually have tried starting up some cyber sex with you know my point. Lol, Whatever.

ARGH there's a mosquito flying around....there had better not be any in my room tonight...

Oh yea, and I got a new aol screen name today *yay*. Everyone email me at now. No more OaRmGiYr.
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