Jun 23, 2002 00:07
It is an hour until Mike's plane leaves from San Francisco. This week is going to be very long, as I have work almost every day and it's hard because all I can do is think about him. I think I am being a bit too paranoid, but still...you know? I get nervous about things like this *sighs*. And I know I'm going to miss him a whole lot all week. Although I saw him today (he payed me a visit before he left), I miss him already.
I *still* can't get over "Where Do We Go From Here." Damn although Mike's arrival is the most important, there are lots of things to look forward to at the end of the week: the new Filter CD, installing my new cold air intake in my car, and getting my next paycheck which will be huge. I guess it's always good to look forward to things, but I am way bored in the meantime. I'm going to call up either Crystal or Shannon to see if they want to hang out during the week. Argh why does there have to be *5* weekdays? I want to fast forward time!
I just watched Captain Corelli's Mandolin with my mom. It's kinda sad but its really good. There's quite a bit of love in it which makes me think of Mike again. Lol whenever there's someone losing or about to lose a loved one in a movie, it makes me want to cry if I know I won't see *my* loved one in awile..or if I'm worrying about them.
I guess the mad lib cheered me up a bit, I need to find more lol. I have like, 34563454 joke emails in my mailbox because I'm subscribed to so many joke emails...They're entertaining me right now. Other than that, I'm bored bored bored bored bored. And I don't want to go to bed, because I can't sleep. Once Mike calls safely from Costa Rica I will be happy. Why am I so afraid of plane accidents when it's very rare that they happen? And the wierd thing is that I want to go to Hawaii so fucking badly but I don't want to board a plane. I'll need those sedatives that claustrophobic people take...
Hah I'm probably writing so much because I have nothing better to do. And it feels better to vent feelings although there is nothing bad or traumatizing happening to me...It's just me being a worrywart as I can be. I worry less than I used to as my life has become incredibly more happy though. I mean, I'm talking huge improvement. I havent cried in a very long time.
I'm going to stop now and find something better to do...maybe some video games or something...haha yes I know that's much more productive..but oh well.