kht's Weekend Visit + Simple English Wikipedia

Mar 03, 2009 22:04

Last weekend, kht came to visit. We walked around London a bit, ate lots of good food (suprising amounts of it Turkish) and went to see Zorro, the Musical.

London is very expensive to go see/do anything. I knew London isn't cheap but I was surprised by how utterly expensive any tourist activity was and how expensive in particular theatre/musicals/shows are. In the end we bit the bullet and went to see a musical we wanted to see rather than one we didn't and got restricted view tickets, which weren't that bad.

Zorro was a lot of fun. It doesn't have many songs for a musical but has a lot of flamenco/gypsy dances, magic tricks and sword fights woven together into a whole. Some of the songs are taken from the Gypsy Kings, so they are very recognisable, but have sections translated into English and are arranged chorally and sound pretty good. I listened to the original of Djobi, Djoba when I got back and it didn't sound half as good as the musical cast made it sound.

I've also discovered that I am now local to midnightmelody, which is both strange and cool. She has moved into my borough. It was strange walking around the area she calls home and is for me filled with many memories mainly centred around attending Polish school and hanging out with pplfichi and, more recently, the Town Hall and dad's politicking. People crossing spheres of my life confuses me, and I feel it shouldn't be allowed. Except it's also very nice because it proves I'm still alive because the world is changing and I change with it.

After seeing an xkcd comic talking about the Simple English Wikipedia, I was overcome with an urge to contribute and started contributing physics articles. I've had fun doing it. I like the Simple English Wikipedia's philosophy and I don't feel so scared or stupid to contribute to it. I can just write without worrying about sounding intelligent or dry.

Unfortunately, I've had a bit of a problem with adding to it because I've gotten confused both about the status of maths and about education content in the Simple English Wikipedia. I started explaining neutron stars and found myself adding A-level content into the thing and I wasn't sure if that was part of the mission of that Wikipedia. I also got attacked by an anti-vandalism bot thinking I was a vandal. So both of those have left me a bit scared to approach it again.

musicals, london, wikipedia

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