Date: Feb. 3
Characters: Robin, OPEN to all characters
Location: Agricultural Storage, Maintenance Level
Summary: Robin calls a meeting to compare notes and findings and discuss future plans.
Warnings: Hopefully none
Note: Don't worry about posting order on this thread.
Hay guyz, this is srs biznis. )
"Okay, first things first. Now that we've all been here a couple of days, we should compare notes on what we know about this place, share our findings. As you all know, we've determined we're the only ones in this place, although the Count did arrive a bit late and there are beds for fifty people, so it's reasonable to assume there may be more arriving. Tex, Church, Carter, and I found a control room of some sort, where the main computer is located. There's some sort of smart software on there called 'Isis'... we asked her a bunch of questions, but she wasn't able to tell us much. She couldn't tell us who brought us here or why. She did provide us with a map, and some information about where we are. We're still in Earth's solar system, somewhere beyond the orbit of Neptune... this colony is on an asteroid called Icelus, which is tethered to a larger one, Morpheus, and the whole thing is spinning."
He paused for a moment, thinking. "I think that's most of the important stuff. Anyone have something to add?"
He agreed with trying to find a way home and having to keep a back up plan.
"Pardon, young sir, but there is another lady on board this vessel? One who has knowledge of its design and purpose? I'm afraid I must have misunderstood.
Besides, many of you are from times significantly advanced from my own. Surely one of you must have the... technology to bring us safely home?"
To the discussion at hand he seemed to frown a little bit, " Morpheus huh?" Well wasn't that ironic. He rubbed his temple thinking about it but he didn't ad anything just yet.
He shook his head. "I took a look around the machine shop... I'm not sure I could build a spacecraft that could reach Earth with the materials we've got, and even if I could it would take a long time. ...Which brings me to my other point. We might be here a while. I took a look at the food stores... by my best estimate, we've got enough food for three months at the most. That's if no one else shows up. Which means we'd better start thinking about getting this greenhouse started."
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