the ex

Sep 12, 2007 16:02

So something out of the ordinary happened to me today. My ex-husband contacted me. It was rather strange to me...but *shrug* here is how it went....

[15:15] him: Hi there. I know I probably don't have a right to speak with you, but I want you to know that I am sorry for everything I've caused you
[15:19] raingrl2001: who is this?
[15:19] him: Your ex
[15:19] raingrl2001: who?
[15:20] him: Your second ex, the one officially on papers
[15:20] raingrl2001: so then why can't you give me your name?
[15:20] him: Cause I figured you'd know who I was
[15:21] him: If you need a name, yes, it's Anthony
[15:21] raingrl2001: anyone could msg me on yahoo and say they are my ex
[15:21] him: Apologies, I did not think of that
[15:22] raingrl2001: so what happened that all of a sudden you stopped talking to me?
[15:22] him: Yeah, remember how you told me to try to avoid a new relationship cause it may bite me in the ass? Well, you were right in a sense
[15:23] him: It wasn't really my choice, rather my wife's that I don't speak to anyone in my past
[15:23] raingrl2001: you got married again?
[15:23] him: Again, I'm really sorry
[15:24] him: Yes...I did
[15:24] raingrl2001: so why did you lie to me?
[15:24] him: It wasn't but a few months ago
[15:24] him: I told you that I was in a relationship
[15:25] him: Etiher way, I'm still sorry for what I've caused you
[15:25] raingrl2001: you told me you broke up with your gf....we started talkign again and then all of a sudden you disappeared
[15:25] him: At that time I wanted to break up with her
[15:25] him: She caught me trying to talk to you and basically set me straight
[15:26] him: Look, seriously, I'm so sorry for what I've done
[15:26] raingrl2001: so why are you msg'ing me now?
[15:26] him: Because I figured now is better than never to let you know
[15:27] him: I've wanted to talk to you, but up until now, I've not had the priovacy to do so
[15:27] him: did you split w/ her?
[15:27] him: No, I'm at work working late cause my tires blew and I'm waiting for a ride home
[15:28] raingrl2001: so you're talking to me behind her back?
[15:29] him: Dishonest as it is, yes. I've still wanted to still talk to you in some way to see how you were, but the jealous eyes of another would not let me
[15:30] him: You don't have to talk to me any further than this, all I wanted to at least voice if anything was that I'm sorry for the troubles and confusions and that congrats for graduating
[15:30] raingrl2001: where did you find that out?
[15:30] him: Your profile
[15:31] raingrl2001: oh
[15:31] him: No, I don't work for CIA or anything, but as I was setting this account up, I figured to have a look at what's new with you
[15:32] him: I apologize if that was anything underhanded or creepy
[15:32] raingrl2001: was just curious, forgot i posted it on there
[15:33] him: So, it would be very stupid of me to ask, but I hope everything has gone well for you in a shape or form. I've noticed you have a LTR going, I'm very glad
[15:34] raingrl2001: i'm doing alright
[15:35] him: I'm glad you are. I can see that you are caught up a bit, either that or I repulse you somehow, so I will take my leave. Thank you for the opportunity to talk to you again.
[15:35] raingrl2001: you don't have to go
[15:36] him: Okay, but I will forwarn, my ride does come in 15 monutes, so I will have to soon
[15:37] him: I will apologize again, I've also seen your Flickr posts, too.
[15:37] him: I know it is very nosy of me, I'm sorry
[15:38] him: Nic looks good, and so do you
[15:38] raingrl2001: ty
[15:38] him: yw
[15:38] him: How's him and school? I think he would be in 2nd grade, yes?
[15:39] raingrl2001: yeah, he's in second grade
[15:39] raingrl2001: he's doing pretty good...has a little trouble reading though
[15:39] him: I'm sorry to hear. I'm sure that it wouldn't have been if I was a bit more intentive of him
[15:40] raingrl2001: i think he is a bit dislexic
[15:40] him: Have you brought him to Sylvan?
[15:40] raingrl2001: no
[15:41] him: Oh, well I do hope he can get thru that. I hope it's not a big issue
[15:41] him: Other than that, he's doing alright, right?
[15:41] raingrl2001: he's doing great
[15:42] him: I'm happy for him
[15:42] raingrl2001: i'm doing much better health-wise then i was when we were together
[15:42] raingrl2001: i'm on some good medications now
[15:43] him: Medication is a good thing. I'm sorry for the health issues
[15:43] him: You look more fit and a bit more radient
[15:43] raingrl2001: i'm happy now
[15:44] him: But I'm sure oogle talk is better left for someone other than me
[15:44] him: I'm glad that you are happy
[15:44] him: It wasn't my intention on causing hurt but I'm sorry I did
[15:44] raingrl2001: its okay, its in the past
[15:45] him: True as it may be, I still carry it in me as I know I could have been a better person
[15:45] him: Regardless of the situation
[15:46] raingrl2001: just know that i don't hate you....i never have
[15:47] him: I know, and it kills me inside that you would not hate me after all that
[15:47] raingrl2001: why?
[15:47] him: Because you deserved so much better
[15:47] him: And if I were you, I would not have answered this IM to start
[15:48] him: But it's no shock that you are the better of us and I'm grateful that you do not hate me for what I became and for what I did
[15:49] raingrl2001: what can i say....i'm fabulous! LOL
[15:49] him: That you are :)
[15:52] him: I would clarify more, but I do have to go, my ride is waiting. I do hope we can do this again and if I'm not able to, know that I'm very happy to talk to you again
[15:52] raingrl2001: bye

I can't say that I've never wanted to talk to him again. I can't say that I never think of him, or that I never miss him. I gave up a good part of myself to this man, and he will always have a place of some sort on my heart. Anyway, back to my poin...does anyone else find this odd??


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