My good friend
bellwings is leaving Winnipeg for a bit to teach in Thailand! But she's desperately looking for someone who can take in her two cats for about 11 months. I can't take them and between the two of us we literally have no friends or family that can (we've already begged them).
But then I thought, hey, I've got flisters in Winnipeg, or who know people in Winnipeg -- maybe they know someone who can help her out? SO HERE I AM, ASKING FOR YOUR HELP.
Can you, or someone you know, take two cats into your home for about 11 months (April-ish to March-ish)?
bellwings will pay for/supply their food and litter &c, and if there are any vet bills she'll obviously pay for them too (well, *I'll* pay them and she can pay me back because it's just easier that way lol Thailand).
bellwings and I used to live together so I do have a few photos of Haiku (the other cat, October, was adopted after we got our own apartments, and apparently I have never shoved my phone into her face. I'm shocked), and this is my favourite one (fyi, Haiku's name is fitting because she's wee): YES I am shamelessly exploiting the internet's love of cats in order to find a safe place for them. ;__;
Oh, and they're exclusively indoor cats. That's helpful info, right? /o\ Um, anyway, you can DM or email me for more info? Or whatever? Haha I have no idea what I'm doing as you can see. D:
cross-posted from dreamwidth, please
comment over there. existing comments: