Firefox kind of died on me today, so I'm trying to get used to Chrome. It's much faster, which is awesome, but there are some quick keys and finger swipes that won't work in this browser and it's grating on my nerves. WHY YOU GOTTA BE LIKE THIS, FIREFOX? :(
My podficbigbang project is out! I had originally made my journal post private and then unlocked and edited the date when the podfic was released, but I know that the entry didn't show up on my own DW reading page so...I thought it prudent to announce it ~in real time~ in case it was missed.
Inception: we were once cinema gods in the night, written by
here at podficbigbang!
The last few months have been pretty trying for me in terms of illness and busy-ness and exhaustion, and I deeeefinitely needed all of the extensions to the submission deadlines that were given, but despite all of that I'm really really happy with the finished product! I do wish I could have figured something out in terms of the date/time parts for the text messages, but none of the filters I had were right for it. Hopefully they work without them!
lunate8 made the cover and it is AWESOME, my face was like :D :D :D when she emailed it to me, no lie. *_____* Every time I look at the post I'm like, wow that is so good, whatever podfic it goes with is really lucky -- OH WAIT OH MY GOD. :D :D :D
I think the thing I love the best about podficcing
gyzym's work is the emotions in her stories that I'm able to...well, emote. Not only does Arthur say 'fuck' a LOT in this one -- creatively, and with vehemence! -- he also screams and rages and gets all up in people's faces and there were some scenes that really gutted me, though more so as a performer than they ever had as a reader. When recording them I had to dig down to that creepy, seedy under-level of self where your emotions are ugly and you want to make the people around you feel ugly too (which is my favourite kind of Arthur/Eames angst, btw) and then I spewed it out all over the unsuspecting audience. HI GUYS HI. I can only hope that I captured the messy bits in a way that is...okay? :D?
Because I'm an asshole I haven't posted about
pennyplainknits' Spring Fling project yet. You can read about the project
here! One of the podfics,
Cuddles in Disguise, was written by me! It's a DCU, Steph/Damian friendship fic. \o/
I had asked Penny if she had any ideas/requests for the kind of story she would like from me and one of her suggestions was Steph and Damian at the grocery store. This is not that story, but it's where that idea led me.
Currently the story is only available in podfic format. The project is -- well, it's basically a political statement supporting the validity of podfic as a creative fanwork, and the authors all agreed that text versions would only be posted after the podfic had been out for a month in order to allow the podfic format to hopefully garner attention from the non-podfic readers. I know the delay in a text version annoys some people, but I'm not interested in making anyone less annoyed about this. I am really not interested in being told that it's not fair to ~withhold~ the text from people who don't want the podfic. I will distribute the text when and where I wish, thank you very much.
I *am* concerned about accessibility, though, so if there's anyone who can't access the podfic format and will be unable to obtain the text in the two or so weeks when it will be posted, I am willing to send you the text.* The story is NOT formatted for posting yet, however, and I don't see myself preparing it soon, so you'll have to accept the story as-is, sorry. But I will be posting here when I put the text on AO3, and you can subscribe on AO3 for a message when it's up, so if you follow me in either of those places then you will see the text soon (probably)! If waiting two weeks annoys you and turns you off, please see the previous paragraph on my position regarding your annoyance.
*I think there's only, like, 5 people in the whole world who will even care about this story, so I'm not expecting any requests for text, but I'm going to offer it anyway just in case waiting two weeks is actually impossible for someone. It could totally happen! Probably not, though.
cross-posted from dreamwidth, please
comment over there. existing comments: