Meme! c/o:
general_jinjur 1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
1. tcr - potato pancake (by
I'm not really into TCR, but this scene from the Christmas special is too awesome not to have iconized. Colbert isn't sure Christmas is for him, so Jon Stewart offers him Judaism, but very unconvincingly. ♥
2. himym - b/r knees (by
I'm a big Barney/Robin shipper and this scene, with Robin just leaning against Barney's legs, like it's the most natural thing in the world, *glee!*.
3. random - winnipeg girl aphelant (customized for me by
ishie saw this postcard on eBay and made icons of it for her three Winnipeg flisters (
inkdot, and myself), which was really cool of her! I mostly use this when I'm referencing Winnipeg or to let someone know that I'm local.
4. fs - um... (by
Oh, Aryn's face! This icon is for when I am feeling the way her face looks, which is not as often as one might think, actually. Sadly it's my only Farscape icon, but that's mostly because I've still only watched the first season.
5. random - rory crown (by me)
True story: one year for
bellwings's birthday her friends made her wear this tiara. And then she brought it home and it lived on our desk for a while. One day my cat was lying on the desk being sleepy and superior and I wondered what she would do if I put the tiara on her head. It turns out she would make a hilarious O.o face at me and I would take a picture of her and make it into an icon. Who knew?