This fic made me laugh so hard that I both cried and hurt my stomach. Hahaha just thinking about certain parts have me laughing insanely all over again. GOOD TIMES.
PS: This fic will not be nearly as funny if you have never seen the show. Trust me.
MERLINby moonythestrals
Merlin; Arthur/Merlin
In which fratboy!Arthur and bioengineer!student!Merlin engage in shenanigans.
Basically, they come up with a system where Merlin goes to office hours, lets the professor talk at him for the duration of fifteen to thirty minutes (the monologue sometimes helped along by sounds of agreement or really vague questions on Merlin's part), and then brings the recording back so Arthur can write the Dragon's lines.
This works well on two major fronts: one, they don’t need to come up with ridiculous and mysterious bullshit by themselves; and two, the professor seems to think their regurgitated shit is really inspired and a complete product of Arthur and Merlin's sacred bond.
"'A half cannot truly hate that which makes it whole'?" Merlin reads in one of their updated versions. "Isn't that a little gay?"