(no subject)

Feb 06, 2008 19:22

Some things that have made me happy lately:


RPF? Punditslash? Entourage crack fic? WHO KNOWS! I certainly don't, but I love it anyway.

Something to Talk About, by hackthis

You should also check out all her other Ari & George fic. They're so awesome you only need to vaguely know who the characters (actors? it's confusing) are, but you might want to start at the beginning to follow the internal canon. Not that I did, but I know it would have helped.


lavvyan's contributions for 14valentines, my favourite (so far) being Logopetria.


I know I recced it already, but rageprufrock's Post-Nuptial sends me into paroxysms of glee every other hour or so.

If you've read it, liked it, and want to read another one like it, check out her Bell Curves series (the first is here) and also He's Having Her Baby!, its sequel He's Having His Baby!, Share, and basically everything on her fic page that sounds like it might be cracked out (and also everything that doesn't, of course - like Sky Full Of which I asdjk slkjfsf slklsdjf LOVE).

And if she posts a MacDonald Hall fic this year I think I might combust.


general_jinjur recorded auburnnothenna's In the City of Seven Walls for 14valentines. It is more than 17 hours long! Don't even start thinking about all the time it took her to do the actual recording, because that way leads to madness and sympathy laryngitis. You can find the dls here (and for crying out loud, leave her a comment to tell her how awesome she is!).


Temeraire. You guys, I have started reading two books since I finished Book 4 and they both pale so much in comparison I have to force myself to finish them. And one of them is by my favourite crack author (Christopher Moore, in case anyone was interested)! I AM CONSIDERING REREADING ALL FOUR BOOKS, EVEN THOUGH THAT IS HIGHLY UNPRODUCTIVE.


This rec list of straight!fic. God damn, look at them all. I'm reading the whole list, even the ones I've read before, because this is one of my favourite types of SGA fic and it makes me happy, which is what this post is all about.


For all of you crafty people out there, an_kayoh is doing a 14 knits for 14 days project for (you guessed it!) 14valentines, and you can follow her here. I want to make one of those cats (Day 1), and stuff it with catnip. FUN TIMES.

ALSO, the Jayne Cobb hat pattern is almost exactly what I've been looking for wrt one of my own projects (abbylee, I believe we discussed it?), if I change it here and there. YAY.


Torchwood just finished downloading. AWESOMESAUCE. IANTO TIME, BE BACK SOON.

torchwood, firefly, books, knitting, fandom, fic rec, life, podfic

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