I have many things to talk about today.
1. Birthday!
Happy birthday
I was going to make a lame joke about what you're having for dessert, but you've probably already heard it today, lol. Instead, I hope John and Rodney show up with your SGA DVDs, because that would be the best day ever! (in lieu of that, however, I hope you just have a fantastic day!)
2. Sprog fic! (actually, I'm going to make a list of sprog fic, I think. but not right now)
La Familia (A
Puddlejumpers Story) by
trinityofone 3. Book Review!
The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde:
You don't need to have read Jane Eyre to enjoy this book, but I did feel as if I was missing something, so perhaps it helps. It's a very strange science fiction novel for the Literature-inclined, and I don't really know how to describe it other than maybe Jacques Clouseau meets Doctor Who. FR SRS!
I give it a B+ because it made me laugh, even though sometimes I thought things were a little too convenient.
4. SGA Season 2 came out today, and it's being delivered to my house. Likely tomorrow. I'M SO EXCITED!!!
ganked from
Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP)
Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive.
Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men
You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving.
How Rare Is Your Personality? Hm, she got the same answer. I think maybe this quiz LIES!
6. I have the first 13 episodes of Due South dl'd, and I've highly enjoyed it so far. WHY MUST THERE BE MORE FANDOMS? D:
7. I swear to everything that is holy and chocolate filled that I will work on my website...sometime after my birthday. I tried working on the style sheet this weekend but no internet on my laptop = unable to preview colour schemes in Firefox or Explorer. Which means I might just fuck around with my LJ layout to figure out the colours instead of doing it on the laptop and then writing down the codes so I can put them in the CSS. BECAUSE NOTHING IS EVER EASY FOR ME, OF COURSE.
8. If I want to hit my deadline of finishing Fine Print before my birthday, I'd better get my ass in gear - only 33 days left! (which is, coincidentally, my cashier number from my last job. WEIRD) Of course, every time I sit down to actually write something, it all sounds like crap to me. D: IF ONLY THIS STORY WEREN'T SO INSANE!
Whinging about the Stargate book has been updated to page 107.