Mar 06, 2007 17:21

I have many things to talk about today.

1. Birthday!

Happy birthday apple_pi!

I was going to make a lame joke about what you're having for dessert, but you've probably already heard it today, lol. Instead, I hope John and Rodney show up with your SGA DVDs, because that would be the best day ever! (in lieu of that, however, I hope you just have a fantastic day!)

2. Sprog fic! (actually, I'm going to make a list of sprog fic, I think. but not right now)

La Familia (A Puddlejumpers Story) by trinityofone

3. Book Review!

The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde:

You don't need to have read Jane Eyre to enjoy this book, but I did feel as if I was missing something, so perhaps it helps. It's a very strange science fiction novel for the Literature-inclined, and I don't really know how to describe it other than maybe Jacques Clouseau meets Doctor Who. FR SRS!

I give it a B+ because it made me laugh, even though sometimes I thought things were a little too convenient.

4. SGA Season 2 came out today, and it's being delivered to my house. Likely tomorrow. I'M SO EXCITED!!!


ganked from dragonflymuse:

Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP)

Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive.

Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men
You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving.
How Rare Is Your Personality?

Hm, she got the same answer. I think maybe this quiz LIES!


6. I have the first 13 episodes of Due South dl'd, and I've highly enjoyed it so far. WHY MUST THERE BE MORE FANDOMS? D:

7. I swear to everything that is holy and chocolate filled that I will work on my website...sometime after my birthday. I tried working on the style sheet this weekend but no internet on my laptop = unable to preview colour schemes in Firefox or Explorer. Which means I might just fuck around with my LJ layout to figure out the colours instead of doing it on the laptop and then writing down the codes so I can put them in the CSS. BECAUSE NOTHING IS EVER EASY FOR ME, OF COURSE.

8. If I want to hit my deadline of finishing Fine Print before my birthday, I'd better get my ass in gear - only 33 days left! (which is, coincidentally, my cashier number from my last job. WEIRD) Of course, every time I sit down to actually write something, it all sounds like crap to me. D: IF ONLY THIS STORY WEREN'T SO INSANE!

9. Whinging about the Stargate book has been updated to page 107.


birthday greetings, book review, stargate: atlantis, fic rec, meme

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