Oct 27, 2005 10:59
K, the creepy Chinese girl that laughs at everything (or, perhaps, nothing) is sitting across from me in the lab. SO CREEPY.
I had my other French lab test today, and honestly, I can't comprehend worth shit when I don't understand the words that are coming out of her mouth. I mean really. I don't recognize all the words and they therefore sound like jetaimenousvoussommesetre!! liek woah.
Creepy. Shit. I hate her *entire face*, it does this weird squishy thing and her eyes are all tiny and now she's doing the CONFUSED DOG LOOK to her computer screen. Fuck. I sound so racist right now, and I'm really not, but she's CREEPING ME THE FUCK OUT.
I'm gonna try to pretend she's not there.
Okay, going to make a back-dated entry of my hand-written stuff yesterday, since I realized that I packed up my scanner when Hilary slept over. Yes. Because I remember things I did only a few days ago SHUT UP.
Forgot to say what I did last night! No Justin, though he did call at 11 last night (and was all like, omg it's 11!!). Went with Jen to Polo Park and helped her hand out resumes and such. Bought some fudge. Came home, started doing Tarot readings. Jen has come to the conclusion that a) I am her bestest best friend in the entire history of the universe, and b) that my Tarot says I should get some balls and ask out Hank (which it basically did, but I JUST CAN'T DO IT OMG).
Dude, did I ever post about Hank's party? I didn't. Well, I have to go to class, so maybe later. Or possibly tomorrow. Or possibly never. MWAHAHAHA!!!! As I am evil like that. Moo.
i hate justin,
bestest best friend evar,