Hiatus sorta kinda.

May 31, 2012 22:27

Hey guys, long time no speak. =u=/ Probably because most everyone's moved to DW--but that's okay, it's not like I'm not moderating here, too! And I intend to continue playing here, as well.

Anyway, that's not what I came here to say. I have to go on hiatus, sort of. I say sort of because I'll have my phone and I'll have wi-fi as far as I know, so I can technically continue to tag from where I'm going--and I'll only be gone Friday to Monday anyway. But I have way more accounts here, and I need to use my main for moderation of hetalia so I might not be able to reply to tags here until I get home. :C

Regardless, this is just a heads up just in case. But, since I'll still have my phone, I'll be around to attempt to do what I have to and answer questions and things as usual. (And you can send me an email if you really want to ensure I can respond to you--my email is Awesome(at)Army(dot)gmail(.com) so drop me a line there if you feel you must.)

And if we get activity here. . .awesome! \o/ Whether or not we do, I'd like to thank my friend Arschbiene on tumblr and veveveneto-mun (desatadora on tumblr) for helping me advertise a bit more(on tumblr!)

Anyway, see you Monday if not sooner. o/
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