Oct 26, 2011 16:01
Um. Hi : D!
I'm sort of a newbie, so I have a few questions and thought it would be less spammy if I asked them in combination with an intro ffff....
I used to play here starting back in '08 and absolutely loved the place (not saying who I played, since I was beyond horrible not that I've improved too much since then), so I'm really glad it's still around! My only character right now is a mildly AU medieval Romania, who I will hopefully not fail at too badly ahaha... Anyway, I'm really looking forward to getting to play with you all <3
I was wanting to ask, is there still an IRC chat that players here frequent? Also, um, did I just miss the Romania tag on the list, or is there not one? Lastly, I was wondering, can people do things like random effect events (like, say, characters who eat something will have their personality temporarily altered, characters who pick something up will be genderswapped for a day, etc) on their own, or do they have to run it past the mods first? Or is that... not really done at all? Sorry if these are stupid!