A long time coming

Sep 25, 2011 21:59

Hey everyone, it's nutty_russian here. As you can see, I deleted his journal, as well as sunflowersoul's and paxrevolution. It was a lot of fun playing with you guys, but my interest in Hetalia has been on the decline a lot lately, and I don't have the motivation to continue rping here. I'm going to keep this guy around because I have a couple on-going threads with him and some other people. After that, who knows. I might not delete him.

ANYWAY. If any of you want to keep in contact with me, my main journal is lokichan2004, and I'm on Tumblr as lokichan. I'm sad to be going and leaving you awesome people behind (especially Meaty and Boylarus), but this is for the best. Take care. <3

Edit: And of course, now that I've gone and deleted everything, I want to undelete everything. I still like Hetalia, but just not as much.......argh I was so sure that doing this was the right thing to do.  :<

Edit times two: I am a huge tool. You all can scream at me and/or throw things at me, but the only journal I'm going to throw away is Pax. I wasn't trying to play with anyone's emotions by deleting the journals and then telling everyone I was leaving. At the time, I thought it was for the best. But then after reading everyone's replies and doing some serious thinking, I just can't leave this place. I've grown way too attached to playing Russia and lil!Ivan, so.....yeah. I'm sorry. I'm just going to hide in the back over there. >.>
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