Lost in a Forest Meme

Aug 01, 2011 14:36

You are now LOST IN A FOREST meme

The rules are simple.

1. Post with your character.  You are now lost in a forest.

2. Reply to other people.  You are now lost with them.

3.  Forests are FULL of danger.  So every once in a while... you run into a Hazard.

Go and generate a random number or just pretend you did, I know how this works.

The number you get or picked will now correspond with one of the following hazards.

1) Poison Ivy everywhere.
2) Spiders, big spiders.  The size of your freaking hand.
3) Racoons have stolen your shit.
4) The trail has disappeared.  You are now even more lost then you were before.
5) You come across something you think looks good to eat.  Those wild blackberries might be a tasty treat but who knows what'll happen if you nibble on that mushroom.
6) You step in something unpleasant.  The forest is full of gross stuff after all.
7) You've been in the forest so long now you're beginning to hallucinate.
8) BEARS!!
9) Now it's raining.  Or snowing.
10) Come up with something yourself.

4. Roll a hazard whenever you feel like it within your thread.

5. You make it out safely...?


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