The Shag Marry Kill Meme

Jul 18, 2011 14:45

This is a meme that's I'm sure everyone has done elsewhere in some form or another.  But just in case I'll give you a refresher.

The Shag Marry Kill Meme

step 1 - Post with you character!

step 2 - Respond to other characters declaring one of those three options; ie 'I'd tap that' 'I'd marry you' or 'I'd throw you off a cliff into shark infested water ( Read more... )


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liliqueen July 18 2011, 19:09:18 UTC
But I don't want to kill anybody!


I would say I'm sorry but that would be a lie. catpetsyou July 18 2011, 19:19:22 UTC

[But which one was it? YOOOOOOU DOOOOON'T KNOOOOOOW.]


Aww, even so, I love Russiacat. liliqueen July 18 2011, 19:21:28 UTC
[She's just going to giggle and pet him. She doesn't really seem to care.] How cute!


Too lazy to switch accounts orz. wahrheitundluge July 18 2011, 21:51:35 UTC
...Wait, I have to pick one?! But I don't wanna choose!

...........I guess marry. //You still get sex during marriage, right? So it's all good.//


liliqueen July 18 2011, 22:07:39 UTC
As long as you don't want to kill me, I'm happy.

[And it's hug time! Yay!]

Marry you~.


wahrheitundluge July 18 2011, 23:11:41 UTC
Now why would I want to do that? //Yep, definitely hug time~//


liliqueen July 19 2011, 00:17:15 UTC
[Snugglesnuggle~] I don't know. It's always worrying when an option like that pops up.


weiss_teufelin July 19 2011, 12:11:08 UTC
There should be a Keep option!


liliqueen July 19 2011, 21:41:41 UTC
But which house would we live in? Yours or mine, Fraulein Prussia? [Head-tilt.]


kontrkul_tura July 20 2011, 08:55:04 UTC
Considering you have the smallest ass you can tap without getting put in jail for it I have to say Shag.


liliqueen July 20 2011, 23:09:00 UTC
W-what! [Red like a strawberry now. Sorry Russia, a little less blunt approach would have been better.]


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